Chapter 157

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Chapter 157

I wait outside for Louis to pick me up, and wish I would have brought a jacket. The air is hot, but the wind makes it seem 20 degrees cooler than it is. I sit on a hard wood bench with my legs crossed, fiddling with my fingernails. I would call Louis to tell him to hurry his ass up, but stupid me forgot to charge it so it died. The building closed for the day, and everyone went home so I don't have anyone here to ask for a ride, and I can't go inside to use the phone.

I sit on the bench for what seems like another thirty minutes, then get off the bench and start walking towards my flat. I could have easily walked home anyway; it's only five minutes driving away, but me being lazy decided to have my boyfriend pick me up and take me home. I regret my choice of wearing heeled shoes as soon as I nearly trip over a block of concrete. I walk on the uneven sidewalk next to a busy road on my way home, and pass at least a dozen joggers. The air whips my hair around my face, and I can tell my nose has turned red form the cold air.

I turn the corner and estimate that I will get home in about twenty minutes at the rate I'm going. I almost take my shoes off and carry them, but I'm sure I'd get a rock lodged in to my foot or something. I spit a lock of my hair out of my mouth and cross my arms to try and warm my hands. I see another jogger approaching in the distance, but this one slows down when she gets closer to me.

"Riley?" The stranger asks.

"Yes?" I tuck my hair behind my ears.

"Oh my god! Can I get a picture?" She asks.

"Um, of course" I say. I am still not used to people coming up to me and asking me for pictures. I'm not famous; I'm just dating a famous person.

The jogger reaches in to the pocket latched on to her arm and pulls out her mobile. She unplugs the ear buds and wraps them up in her hand, then shoves them in a small pocket in her spandex shorts. She brings her black hair in her ponytail to the side and puts her phone in picture mode. She leans in next to me and I smile weakly for the picture, despite my freezing body. She snaps at least ten pictures, then puts her phone back in her arm band.

"What are you doing out here dressed like that?" She asks.

"I'm walking home from work" I say.

"Don't you have someone to pick you up?"

"I did, but apparently he forgot" I hiss.


"Yup" I practically growl.

"Oh. That sucks. You should punish him" The girl digs her ear buds back out of her pocket and plugs them in to her phone. "Well, thanks for the picture, good luck with Louis"

I nod at her and she takes off running again. I can't believe Louis forgot me. While the girl was taking the picture, I snuck a peak at the time on her phone. 1:50 PM. Louis was supposed to pick me up at 12:30. Using my anger as motivation, I stomp up the sidewalk at a faster pace, passing people in cars giving me sympathetic looks. My ponytail does no use to keep my hair out of my face, so I angrily pull it out of my hair and toss it to the ground. I turn another corner, getting closer and closer to me destination when I hear thunder above me. I look up at the now dark sky and a raindrop lands on my nose and slides down my face.

I growl in frustration and pick up my pace. I can see the outline of the entrance to my flat building. The rain starts pouring down harder, soaking my hair and making my shirt cling to my torso. I turn in to the car lot and trudge through the front door just as a boom of thunder and a flash of lightning appear in the sky. I shut the door behind me and stomp upstairs, leaving a trail of water behind me.

When I get to my floor, I swing open the door and slam it behind me. I take off my heels and throw them to the floor. I take my phone out from my pocket and slam it on the table next to the front door, furious. I stomp in to the living room and my vision turns red when I see Louis sitting on the couch with Adrian with his back facing me.

"Hey Riley's home!" Adrian cheers then his eyes come up to meet mine. "Hey Riley's home..." Adrian says with his eyes wide.

Louis turns around to face me with a smile, but his smile soon drops as soon as he sees the expression on my face.

"Riley I-" Louis starts but I hold up a cold, dripping wet hand.

"Save it" I spit and brush past them both and in to my room. I slam the door behind me and lock it. Not only did Louis forget to pick me up, but he's here innocently talking with Adrian.

I strip off my wet clothes with some difficulty and throw them to the floor. Louis has some fucking nerve. I tried to tell him I didn't need a ride home, and even if I didn't have a car I could have caught a ride home with one of my co-workers instead of waiting for an hour for Louis. In fact, at least two of my co-workers asked if I needed a ride and I politely declined.

I take a glass cup from my bedside table and throw it with all my might against the wall. I'm not one for expressing my anger violently, but that felt fucking good.

I dodge the shards of glass lining my floor and walk in to the bathroom. I slam the bathroom door behind me and lock it, then turn on the shower water.

Censored (One Direction fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن