Chapter 112

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Chapter 112

After the show, Liam, Louis and I leave in the trademark black SUV. We leave the rest of the boys to go to the after party with some of their other friends; Liam wasn't much up for partying because he wanted to do a twitcam.

We soon arrived to the hotel and snuck in through the back. I'm surprised fans don't realize the boys aren't going to go through the front door.

My heels click along the tile as Louis, Liam and I make our way to the elevator. I am growing antsy with every step closer Louis and I take to our room. I'm going to try to tease him and make him wait as long as I can just to make him angry which leads to more passionate.

Louis and I wave goodbye to Liam, and I'm sure I see a hint of a smirk on Liam's face when he enters his hotel room like he knows what Louis and I are going to do.

He probably does.

When we enter the hotel room my heart begins to race. I hear Louis click the lock shut and I slide off my shoes.

"I'm going to take a shower" I inform Louis. He just nods as I walk in to the bathroom.

I'm surprised he didn't follow me. He must want to tease too. I turn on the shower water and wait for it to get warm and strip myself of my dress, which I was sure Louis wanted to do but it's too late now.

When I am about to step in to the shower, I realize I had forgotten my body wash and I don't like the way the hotel's provided body wash cleans. I decide this is a perfect opportunity to make Louis want to follow me in to the shower and fuck me senselessly.

I wrap a short towel around me, making it low enough to show just the top of my breasts and short enough to cover only the top half of my thighs. I turn the bathroom doorknob and walk out in to the main area of the hotel room where I find Louis watching TV in his white button down and black dress pants.

"I forgot my soap" I tell Louis and he nods.

I bend down to gather the soap from my bag, my backside facing away from Louis and I fumble through my bag to find my soap.

Louis POV

It's taking all my will power not to grab Riley and throw her on the bed. I need to wait at least a little longer before I go in to that bathroom and fuck her against that shower wall. I wanted to take off the dress she was wearing, but touching her under the shower water is so much better.

I scan her body as she is bent down trying to find her body wash and try not to fidget. I wish she would just let go of that damn towel she's holding around her body already.

Riley finally finds her soap and smiles at me before walking back around the corner and in to the bathroom.

When I hear the door shut I jump off the bed and unbutton my shirt, then slide down my pants and toss them both to the side. I close the curtains and put the extra lock on the door so no one can get in using another key.

I walk to the door of the bathroom and slide down my boxers then open the heavy bathroom door. The air is filled with steam and I can barely make out the silhouette of Riley's body behind the thin shower curtain. I don't think she heard me come in.

I feel my dick start to get hard just by looking at her, so I waste no time pulling back the shower curtain and pushing her against the shower wall with a look of surprise and deviousness plastered on her face.

A/N Okay why did I kill Riley's dad???

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