Chapter 150

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Chapter 150

"Okay, whoever gets the highest number gets to pick the restaurant and whoever gets the lowest number has to drive us in their car. Everyone pick a number" I put the bowl of paper slips in the middle of Adrian, Louis, Wolf and I.

Louis draws first and tosses the paper on the floor, showing that he did not get highest or lowest number. Both Adrian and Wolf don't give away their numbers, so when I draw the lowest number- a one, I know one of them got the highest. I'm hoping its Adrian; he has a really good taste in food.

"I got lowest" I announce and try to throw my paper slip in to the trash can.

The air catches the paper and it slowly drifts to the ground a few inches in front of me.

"I got highest" Wolf grins and Adrian rolls his eyes.

"Where are we going then?" Louis asks and stands up off the ground.

"We will be going to a Chinese restaurant called Q's" Wolf stands up and brushes off his lint-free jeans.

I stand up off the ground and pull Adrian up with me. I am already dressed in blue shorts and a white shirt that clings to me in all the wrong places, but no one has commented on my appearance yet so I'm just going to go with it.

"Let's get going then" Adrian says. He tosses me my purse from across the room and I catch it just before it hits me in the face.

We file out of the door and down the stairs to the parking lot. I lead the boys behind me to my car, and unlock the doors for them. Louis gets in the passenger seat, and Wolf and Adrian sit in the back. I don't know how Adrian can stand Wolf, he gets annoying with his useless facts and science and history banter.

"I'm just warning you now" Louis says as I turn on the ignition. "As soon as I get spotted the place it going to be filled with paparazzi. Don't answer their questions, and don't be hostile" He says.

I don't hear a reply from Adrian and Wolf, so I just assume they nodded their heads or something. I press on the gas and drive out of the parking lot and on to the main road.

"Tell me where to go" I say, glancing in the rearview mirror at Wolf.

"Turn right on this next turn" Wolf says and I follow his directions.

"So Louis how was the after party" Adrian starts up a conversation.

"It was pretty cool. There were cage dancers" Louis says.

What kind of parties does Hollywood even throw? I hope I never have to go to one. I probably will anyway.

"Turn left" Wolf says from the back seat.

I follow his directions and make a left on to a crowded road. I hear a banging from my left and glance over to see a teenage girl hitting and screaming her car window, staring right at Louis. Louis sighs and rolls down his window at the same time the girl does.

"Louis! Can I get a picture?" She asks.

"Sure" Louis smiles and the girl pulls out her camera and leans as close to my car as she can without falling out her own window.

She takes the picture and resorts back in to her car, but still has her window rolled down and is still staring at Louis.
"So where are you all off to?" She asks. It appears that we are going to be stuck with this girl for while due to this horrible traffic.

"We're going out to eat" Adrian rolls down his back car window and joins the conversation.

"Hey! You're the unidentified white boy!" The girl grins.

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