Chapter 140

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Chapter 140

"Let's watch the derby" Niall says.
Niall is much for straight forward than Liam.

"I've never seen a derby game before" I say.

"You're missin' out" Niall says and grabs my hand. He leads me up the stairs and in to the living room and turns on the telly.

"You're going to have to explain it to me" I say and take a seat on the black leather sofa.

Niall explains the game to me, and halfway in I am cheering alongside him. When Niall started tipping over furniture I fell on the floor laughing. Niall ended up laughing with me. Niall and I watched two derby games in a row before Louis returned with Zayn. I don't know who I had more fun with, Liam or Niall. I don't know what I was going to do with Zayn.

I hugged Niall goodbye, and I could tell with a side glance towards Louis that he was not too happy about it. After I finished hugging Niall, we waved goodbye again and I was left with Zayn. I don't really know what Zayn likes to do, I don't think I've ever even said hello to him before.

"I don't have anything specific I like to do, do you just want to sit and talk?" He asks.

I nod and follow him in to the dining room. I take a seat across from him at the table and fold my hands on the wooden table. Zayn doesn't look like he wants to start the conversation, and I don't either, but I know one of us has to. I think my time with Zayn is the most awkward one yet.

I clear my throat. "So what did you do with Louis?" I ask.

"We just hung out at a little house just outside of London the whole time, writing songs and stuff" He replies.



I look down at my hands and start picking at my fingernails, a habit I've had for a long time. We sit in silence for a while until Zayn speaks up again.

"What do you do when you have time off work?" He asks.

"Lately I've been hanging out at my apartment with Adrian" I say. My life sounds pretty boring. "What about you?"

"I sleep and watch the telly, it's nice to have time off for me" He says.
I nod. Although I don't know what it feels like to be busy all the time, I can imagine working all day and just wanting to hang out.

"How did you get in to the paparazzi business?" He asks.

"I'm not a pap anymore. They found my apartment, actually. It was really weird and annoying having them yell stuff at you. I never shouted, I just took pictures when I worked at Grindstone. I had to work there for summer University classes. When I got fired I lost my scholarship" I say.

"Louis got you fired?" Zayn asks. I nod.

"How are you still with him? I mean after all the shit he's done" Zayn says. I was expecting this question from one of the boys.

"He's really good at apologizing. He knows when he fucked up and he knows how to fix it" I say.

Zayn nods. "I feel you"

I smile and stop picking at my fingernails. This time with Zayn has by far taken the most time to stop being awkward, but it is the one I got the most information out of. Zayn told me how Liam and Louis never used to get along, and they still don't sometimes. And he told me how one time he had a girl over and Louis walked in on them kissing, and Louis just screamed and ran away, and how the girl never came back.

"Is it hard for you guys to find girlfriends?" I ask.

"Not really," Zayn replies. "It's more difficult finding girlfriends who won't use you for fame or money"

We talk about a few more topics ranging from favorite food to what it was like when we were younger until Louis returns with Harry. I stand up to say goodbye to Zayn, I wasn't planning on hugging him just for Louis' sake, but Zayn comes to me and wraps me in his arms so I just go with it. Zayn leaves with Louis and Harry walks further in to the room.

"I need to go get some new clothes; do you want to go shopping?" Harry asks.

"Sure, but do you know when Louis will be back so we know how much time we have?" I ask.

"He always comes back in about two hours or so" Harry says.

I nod and follow him out in to the garage.

"Which car do you want to take?" Harry asks.

I scan the width of the garage, looking at each car individually before my eyes land on one car in particular that grabs my attention.

"That one" I point to a yellow mustang with one black stripe on the hood.

"My favourite" Harry grins and grabs a set of keys off a hanger in the garage.

We walk to the car and Harry walks to my side and opens my door for me. I step in after thanking him and take in the inside of the car. I don't even want to know how much it costs.

The seats are black leather, and there's a touch screen radio. The windows were tinted on the outside, but on the inside you can see clearly. Harry opens the driver's door and steps in, his curls brushing the roof of the inside before he sits down in the leather seat. Harry closes his door and puts the keys in the ignition.

I buckle my safety belt and Harry does the same before he reaches up and pressed a button on the ceiling of the car and the garage door opens. Harry backs out of the garage smoothly and backs up so we are facing the exit of the long driveway. He closes the garage door and we start driving down the long driveway.
He presses another button on the ceiling and the gate opens so we can drive out on to the seat.

"Won't people notice us walking around in the mall?" I ask.

Harry nods. "That's why we have disguises" He says and points to the glove box in front of me.

I open the compartment and pull out two beanies, two pairs of sunglasses, and a mustache.

"I want the mustache" Harry calls.

"Yeah, I figured" I hand him his disguises and put on the beanie and sunglasses.

"Why do they even sell sunglasses in England?" I ask.

Harry shrugs and reaches to the radio to turn it on. We listen to a song that I don't know the name of until we reach the shopping centre. We climb out of the car and out in to the car lot.

"Can you put my mustache on me?" Harry hands me the fake looking facial hair.

I peel off the backing of the mustache and place it on Harry's face, pressing down on it to make sure it sticks.

"If anyone asks you're Rhonda and I'm Jason" Harry says.

I nod and we walk in to the shopping centre as Rhonda and Jason.

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