Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

I wore only underwear and a large t-shirt to bed. Louis wore only boxers. We climbed into my bed and I snuggled into Louis.

"We should shower together again sometime" Louis said.

"Oh we will" I grinned.

"We're going public tomorrow?" Louis asked.

"Yes" I confirmed.

"I love you, no matter what the fans say, you know that right?" Louis sounds worried.

"I know, I love you too much to care" I snuggled closer to Louis and eventually fell asleep.


"What a whore"

"She's a beard"

"Wow Louis you grow facial hair fast?"

"God, she's so fat"

The fan's screams surrounded me. Louis left me in the store to use the loo.

"This is too much, Riley. I'm breaking up with you" Louis appeared behind me. It was only days after we went public.

"But-" I started.

"No, Riley. I can't handle this. Bye" Louis walked out the emergency exit, leaving me with a sea of fans laughing at me.

"You didn't deserve him!" Another shouted.

"Stop!" I yelled, springing up in bed.

It was only a dream.

Louis was missing beside me. I saw a note on the night stand next to me.

I rubbed my eyes and read it. I was still sweating from the nightmare.

Dear Riley,

I left to go to the interview. It's on Channel 17 at 1:00 PM. I'll be back around 3:00.

Love, Louis

I put the note down and checked the time on my phone. It was already 10 minutes 'till one. I ran to the tele and switched on channel 17, waiting for my boyfriend to come on.

'We'll be right back with One Direction' The channel 17 lady said. The show switched to a cleaning ad.

I got up and went to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal. I noticed my mum had cleaned up Louis' and I's noodle mess, and I felt a bit guilty, but continued to make Cheerios.

I made it back to the couch just in time for the end of a Greek yogurt ad with John Stamos in it, and nearly spilled my Cheerios at the sight of his face.

"Have Mercy!" I shouted with my mouth full.

"Welcome back viewers, here with me I have Niall, Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Louis of One Direction" The interviewer said.

The boys waved.

"Now we have a few questions from fans they would like to answer" The lady said. "This one is for Harry from Madison, and she asks how you survive on that tour bus during tour"

The camera pans to Harry.

"Well Louis if definitely the messiest" Harry says. I nod. "I sometimes just go around and clean everything up. In fact once we went to the store and all I bought was cleaning supplies" Harry laughed.

The interviewer smiled. "And this one of from Jennifer to Niall, and Jennifer asks what you smell like" she says.

"Good question Jennifer" Niall looks at the camera. "I use Armarni Mania cologne so if you've ever smelled that that's what I smell like" Niall explains.

A few more questions go by, and I start to worry the interviewer won't ask Louis about me.

"Okay, we are running out of time, but we have one last question from Grace for Louis and Grace wants to know who that girl Louis has been seen with is"

Louis sits up.

"She is my girlfriend, Riley" Louis says, smiling. I set my empty bowl on the table and sit back on the couch, returning Louis' smile.

"Are you the only one with a girlfriend?" The interviewer asks.

"Yes I am" Louis says.

"Breaking news on channel 17 Directioners; Louis Tomlinson is taken" And with that, the show ends and commercials start rolling.

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