Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

I woke up to someone stirring beside me. I looked the side and found Louis lightly snoring with his forehead creased.

I lightly laughed and climbed out of bed, I had set an alarm on my phone for work, I was thankful it didn't wake up Louis.

I grabbed some black and white striped jeans and a plain white button up high low top from my closet and quietly snuck into the bathroom, not wanting to wake up a sleeping Louis.

I quickly changed and brushed through my hair, not bothering to do anything more. When I came back out into the bedroom Louis was up and dressed.

"I thought you were asleep" I bent down to get my white Vans.

"I was" Louis started combing through his hear. I smiled a little when I saw his tongue peak out of the corner of his mouth in concentration.

"You ready to go?" He put the comb down.

I nodded.

"Let’s go then" Louis held out his hand and I gladly took it.

Adrian was still sleeping on the couch when we walked by.

"Why doesn't he just sleep in his room?" Louis asked.

"It's too messy for his liking" I replied.

"Why doesn't he just-"

"Don't ask me"

Louis and I walked out of my flat and I locked the door behind us.

We continued holding hands until we got to his car.

"After you" Louis opened the car door.

"Why thank you" I bowed and stepped down into the car.

Louis walked around on the other side and got in.

As we drove to Grindstone, Louis hummed along to whatever song was on the radio, and I looked out the window.

The tall London buildings gloomed over us and we zoomed past people walking along the sidewalks. I was taken aback at what a beautiful city London was. I was glad I decided to go to uni here, however I did miss my parents.

When we arrived at Grindstone, Louis leaned over to give me a kiss and I quickly returned it, and then climbed out of the car out of the car.

Louis didn't follow, he knows the rules and this place had cameras all around, so I just waved at him, and I somehow knew he waved back even through I couldn’t see him through his car’s tinted windows.

When I walked in the big sliding glass doors and stepped on the hard tile, everyone started staring at me.

I awkwardly waved and fast walked over to the front desk.

"Miss Greene, Clark wants to see you, in your office. Now" The worker said.

I nodded confusingly and climbed into the lift. Everyone in the small area moved closer to the walls to get away from me.

Did I stink or something?

When I got to my floor I walked down the empty hallway to my office. I opened the hard wood door and stepped in, only to find all my belongings in boxes.

"Ah Miss Greene, nice to see you" Clark was packing away a picture of me with my mum and dad.

"Take a seat" he motioned to my beloved spinney chair.

I did as I was told, afraid of what Clark was going to say.

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