Chapter 119

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A/N sorry I haven't updated in 5 or so days, I haven't been very inspired and yesterday was 1D Day but now here's a chapter.

Chapter 119

Louis and I return to the safe ground of the Pier after riding the Ferris wheel. Louis absolutely loved it, but I wasn't very fond of the height. We decide to get a bite to eat then head back to the hotel, so we walk to a concession stand and food court a little ways ahead.

We wait in line for a while, but not moving around makes Louis more noticeable, so he stares at the ground for most of the wait.

"Hi, what can I get you two- Riley?" A familiar voice asks. I look closer behind the cash register to see the blue eyes of Conner Johns.

"Conner?" I say.

Maybe it won't be as awkward this time with a third person to back me up.

"What are you doing here?" He asks the obvious.

"I could ask the same to you" I redirect the subject off me.

"I work here for a summer job" Conner says and squirts a little cheese on to a plate of nachos.

"Cool" I say awkwardly. Louis is not a good buffer.

"What can I get you guys?" Conner looks up from the nachos and in to my eyes.

I glance up at the menu to break eye contact with him and search for something interesting.

"I'll have some nachos, I guess" I say and take out my wallet.

"I'm not hungry" Louis says with his face still aimed towards the ground.

"Need a little help counting your money again?" Conner smirks and I giggle.

"I think I have the concept" I say and hand Conner four dollars.

He accepts the money and walks to the other side of the stand to get some nachos. Louis looks up and glances around to make sure no one that looks like a fan could be around then keeps his head up.

Conner returns with the nachos and hands them to me. I thank him and walk away from the counter with Louis trailing shortly behind. I take a seat at a round table and begin eating my nachos.

Louis takes a seat across from me and stares at me mindlessly as I chew my treat.

"Who was that guy" Louis breaks the wordless silence.

"A guy I met in the grocery store" I answer plainly.

"What was the bit about counting money?" Louis questions.

"I didn't know how to use American money, so he helped me" I finish the last of my nachos.

"What did you do after that?" Louis asks another question.

"I found you" I say. If he asks more questions I'm going to be mad.

Louis just nods and I get up to throw away my trash. When I come back to the table Louis is sitting how I left him, but Conner is using a broom to clean up the wooden floor under our table. I almost smile at Louis' awkwardness as he tries to distract himself by getting on his phone.

"Riley, is he your brother?" Conner asks when I return to the table.

It's slightly obvious now that Conner is trying to get Louis angry, and the expression on Louis' face shows he's doing a damn well good job of it.

"I'm her boyfriend" Louis says through clenched teeth.

"Oh, so what brings you two to America?" Conner asks, this time turning his question towards Louis.

"I had an award show" Louis says and his fists ball.

"You got tickets?" Conner asks. He's really getting annoying now.

I stay silent.

"No, I was nominated."

"Really? What's your name?" Conner is now leaning on his broom, with an innocent smile plastered on his face.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson from One Direction"

"I don't think I've heard of Louis Tomlinson. I've heard of Harry Styles. My sister loves him. She's eight. Are you sure there's a Louis in One Direction?"

"Yes I am" Louis purses his lips.

"Hmm, I don't think there is" Conner is even starting to get on my nerves now, and I contemplate asking him to leave, but I want to see how this turns out.

"Yes there is" Louis' voice raises.

"Nope, there isn't" Conner says.

"GOOGLE ME!" Louis shouts and gets up from the table.

This must be my signal to intervene.

"Okay, okay. Louis, let's go" I say and grab Louis' arm. His muscles are tense and I can practically see the steam escaping his ears.

"Bye, Ri" Conner waves and I wave back, annoyed.

Louis and I exit the Pier, me still holding on to his arm. His walking speed goes from fast to moderately slow and he peels my hand from around his arm then moves it down to his hand, where he then intertwines our fingers.

"Bye Ri" Louis mocks Conner and I laugh.

I'm glad his mood has lifted.

"That guy was a douche" Louis says and I agree.

I assume we are walking back to the hotel, it isn't that far of a distance but it is beginning to get dark outside so I hold tighter to Louis.

Our walk is pretty silent besides the occasional honking of car horns or the loud music coming from random cars and it is starting to get a little breezy so I am relieved when Louis and I return to the hotel.

Looking at the clock, I discover that I have only about two hours to sleep before we leave for the hotel. I'm surprised that jet lag hasn't affected me as much as I thought it would, and I am happy for that fact.

I decide it would be best for me to go to sleep ASAP so I'm not completely horrible in the morning so I wash my face and brush my teeth, then strip out of my clothes so I'm left in only my underwear; I'm too lazy to put on the pajamas laid out for me.

When I return to the bed Louis is already lying down, flipping through TV channels. I slip under the duvet next to him and snuggle in to the pillow.

"Goodnight Louis" I say.

"Goodnight Riley" Louis turns off the TV and gets under the blankets, then pulls me close to him and wraps his arms around me.

"I love you" He whispers in to my ear.

My mind is screaming 'Slow down' from the discussion I had with myself earlier today, but my voice has other ideas.

"I love you" The words slip from my mouth, and despite going against the conversation with myself in the park, I would never take them back.

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