Chapter 164

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Chapter 164

It is good to get away.

It is good to go to a place you've never been before and experience the new lifestyle.

I would move to New York City if I had the financial ability, and I didn't have a boyfriend waiting for me to return home.

New York City is --for someone who has never been there before- almost life changing. Not really, but by the time Adrian and I left the city, I was ready to plan a trip back. I know that if somehow Louis and I didn't work out, I would sure as hell move back there. Adrian agrees with me.

New York City is also very expensive and filled with shady people. However, that saying goes for almost every major city in the world.

I called Louis the night we got back home. He answered on the first ring, eager to hear my voice I suppose. I was glad to talk to him; I haven't seen him in weeks. A few texts were exchanged while I was on my trip but nothing more than a few words. Louis was on his way over to my house now.

When Louis arrived, I had tacos made for us. We sat crunching on the hard shells while watching American Horror Story on Netflix. My feet were perched up on Louis, and me head was resting on Adrian's shoulder. I was taking up almost the entire couch.

Louis and I didn't have an exciting reunion. I opened the front door and we softly pecked each other's lips before taking our current spots on the couch. I didn't expect a lot, especially with Adrian a few meters away.

After our tacos, Louis decided he wanted to take me somewhere. Adrian brushed us off, saying he needed some alone time to watch Sex and the City on the couch without getting side glances from me. I grabbed my jacket and put on my Vans then left the apartment with Louis.

I had no idea where we were going; he said he wanted to take me somewhere special. The car ride was almost silent, everything laconic besides the soft pop music playing from Louis's car's stereo. I looked out the window at the night time London lights, then up at the stars, trying my hardest to make out constellations. The only arrangement of stars I could make up was the big dipper.

Soon enough, Louis pulled his car in to the Johnson hotel parking lot and my mind was stricken with a single thought; was Louis going to propose to me?

I shook my head. Louis had said in an interview just a few days ago that he thought he was too young to get married, and I completely agree with him. Not only are we too young, but we also have only known each other for almost three months. If Louis proposed, I don't know what I would do. I don't want to get married at the moment.

Louis takes my hand and leads me to the side of the building to an all familiar fire escape, his warm hand wrapped around me cold one. We walked in silence until we got to the ladder leading to the first landing of the fire escape. Memories flash through my mind of myself jumping down from the ledge only to land in Louis's warm arms. They have gotten bigger since then, I don't know when Louis has time to work out but he achieves it. I don't know how he does it.

Louis lifts me up so I am tall enough to grab the end of the ladder and pull it down so we can both climb it. I go first, climbing up on to the first landing then waiting for Louis to follow so he can lead me to where ever we're going. His blue eyes soon appear at the top of the ladder, and he reaches his arms up and grabs the railing then tugs himself up. He walks to me and takes my hand again without saying a word, and together we climb to the top of the hotel.

We sit against a large metal box that I don't really know what it's for. I lean against Louis, and he wraps his arm around me. We have said very few words tonight, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Louis is wearing the new cologne that I love so much, and I intertwine our legs together so I am practically sitting on top of him. He kisses the top of my head, and we look out to the city of London. We aren't usually in to romantic things like this, hell I'm pretty sure my breath still smells like tacos, but somehow it doesn't matter. Neither of us really knows how to be romantic, so it is pretty remarkable that we are even able to get up here without one of us making a joke that makes the other tumble off the roof in laughter.

I place my hand up with his so our fingers fall forward and latch together. His thumb circles around between the thumb and index finger, and I can slightly hear his steady breathing.

"I wish that if the world had to end, it would end like this" Louis breaks the comfortable silence.

"Silent and pretty-like?"


"Me too."

The distant sounds of car engines turning on and shop doors opening relax me, and if the ground weren't so hard I could fall asleep like this.

"I love you, you know that?" He says.


"Like I really, really love you."

"You aren't gonna propose, are you?" My heart starts beating faster.

"No, no it's much too early for that" Louis laughs.

The vibrations of his laughter cause the metal box behind us to shake, making a dull echoing sound. I hope no one finds us up here and kicks us out. I am relieved that Louis isn't planning on proposing, I sure as hell would marry him but not at this point in time. We've only been together for three months and there is still drama around every corner. Sure, it's not as dramatic as say, a romantic movie or novel but it is still pretty damn dramatic. Most of it is my fault, too. I overreact a lot. Louis doesn't really do anything wrong. Let me take that back, he doesn't do A LOT wrong but he still does a lot of things that most normal, boring relationships wouldn't do. Our relationship isn't boring, and I am thankful for that. There's nothing worse than dating someone who only does three things in their lives.

"I love you, Riley Greene." Louis states again.

"I love you too, Louis Tomlinson."

It could have ended right there, we would have picked ourselves up off the black gravel roofing of this hotel and gone home and had ravishing-romantic-loving sex, but Louis continued.

"The first words I thought when I saw you were 'what the hell? Why is this girl taking a picture of me? This isn't good. She took a picture of me. I must get that picture.' But I knew I wouldn't force it out of you, so that night after our first encounter I talked to the boys and management. Never did I ever think that I would end up falling in love with you. I should say falling, because falling is a scary experience. I have cha-cha slid in to love with you. I never would have thought that I would cha-cha slide in to love with someone so quickly, but you have that effect on me, Riley Greene. I don't know what I would do without you. I'm sorry for everything I've put you through but it worked out in the end, didn't it? Well, I shouldn't say that. This is not the end. This is just the beginning. That's a bit cheesy though, don't you think? Well, anyway I-"

I cut Louis off by gently placing my lips on his. He leans to the side so it's more comfortable and I place my hand on his cute belly, I mean manly stomach. Louis holds my hip in place and I open my eyes for a split second just to see what Louis looks like when he is kissing. We are so close that my vision is a bit blurred, but I see his eyes closed with his short eyelashes resting on his cheek. His tongue explores my mouth, and I close my eyes again. This is how I want it so stay forever, but Louis soon pulls away, giving me a chance to speak.

"I cha-cha slid in to love with you, too."



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