Chapter 148

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Chapter 148

The next week was hell. It was full of stressful work days, and the moving across town didn't help much. My mum did come help move for one day, and it was really nice to see her, but she was in such a rush to leave it was a little rude. She hasn't been herself lately and I'm not sure why. I would think she is like this because of the loss of my dad, but I want to know what she was rushing for.

It is now Saturday, the day Louis is returning from his trip. I am glad he's coming back, and he texted me last night to tell me that as soon as he gets home he's coming to visit me. We haven't spoken before then, besides the first phone call.

The separation was good for us, it made my mind clear up from everything involving him and I am excited to see him again.

I keep glancing at the black clock hung up on Adrian and I's new flat's wall, counting the seconds that tick by leading up to Louis's arrival at seven.

He is going to sleep over, then tomorrow we are going to spend the day together, then he's going to do his own stuff for two days, then we'll be back together. I doubt the new system will work for us, but it's worth a try.

"Stop looking at the clock he'll be here in five minutes" Adrian groans from beside me.

"I can't help it" My eyes dart to the clock again.

Adrian flips the channels on the television to Modern Family. I get up off the sofa and walk across the room to the kitchen and open the refrigerator door to look for some food to pass the time. Finding nothing, I close the door and walk to my bedroom.

I cleaned up my room nicely for Louis. I would make him sleep in the guest room any other day, but because we have been away from each other for a week I decided to let him sleep with me.

I pace the bedroom, looking for something to occupy my time. Finding nothing, I walk back in to the living area and fall on to the couch.

"Why can't the time go any faster?" I complain.

"Just relax, you're sounding desperate" Adrian props his head up on his hand.

"I am not desperate" I sit up.

"What underwear are you wearing?" He raises and eyebrow.

"That's none of your business" I cross my arms.

Adrian grabs the end of my plain white shirt and lifts it up, exposing my plain black push up bra the Louis picked out.

"Adrian!" I squeal and struggle to pull my shirt down.

"My point exactly" Adrian says and returns to his original position. "And why did you choose to wear that outfit?"

"What's wrong with my outfit?" I frown, looking down at my small white t-shirt and loose gray sweatpants.

"Your shirt is tight and your sweatpants are loose. A tight top shows what Louis can get and the loose pants show how easily he can get it" Adrian says.

My cheeks grow red. How did Adrian know my entire reason for wearing this outfit? I wasn't planning on having sex with Louis. Well, I was planning on making him get a boner, but that's all.

"You're horrible" I finally say and cross my arms again.

I fall back on to the couch and watch the TV show with Adrian until the clock dings, signaling the arrival of the hour. I sit up on the couch, just in case I need to make a run to the door and continue to 'watch' the telly. I steal glances at the clock multiple times until a knock is heard at the door.

I jump up from the couch and run to the door, swinging it open.

"Louis!" I grin. "You're late"

"By two minutes!" Louis defends himself and walks in to my flat.

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