Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

"Louis I don't think I can do that" I looked away from his gaze.

"Why not?" Louis planted his feel on the floor of the boat.

"I would have only just finished Uni, and I can't just disappear from my mum and dad for five months"

"You already live three hours away from them, being across the world won't be much different"

I stared at my boyfriend.

"I mean you can still call them and stuff, it will be a great experience for you" He corrected himself.

"I don't know Louis"

"You don't have to decide now"

"It's a little overwhelming; I've only just met you"

Louis grabbed my hands in his and looked in to my eyes.

"But you know it feels like we've always known each other and those eleven days when we were away from each other were unbearable. How will five months be?" Louis tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear. "Think about it and tell me your answer when you're ready"

I nodded.

"You know I love you" Louis said, standing up.

"Yes I know" I replied. "I love you"

Louis walked to the edge of the boat and lifted up a seat, taking out an anchor.

He threw the large metal working in to the water and took off his plain gray shirt, laying it on the white boat seat and stood on the back ledge of the boat.

"Coming?" He called.

I stood up and carefully walked the swaying boat floor to Louis and stood next to him.

"One" He started.

"Two" I looked down at the water. I couldn't see anything in the water.

"Jump to the side so you don't get ripped apart by the motor" Louis reminded me.

"Thanks" I rolled my eyes.

"Three" I heard Louis say.

I bent my knees and pushed off the side of the boat, soaring in to the dark lake water, my head going half under before I pulled myself back to air. I tasted the lake water in my mouth and immediately spit it back out. I saw Louis pop up next to me.

"That tastes awful" I spit out more water.

"Agreed" Louis shook out his hair.

"We can't really do anything without drowning can we" I looked around.

"Nope. Let's get back on the boat" Louis swan to the side of the boat and climbed back on it, pulling me up after him.

I shivered and wrapped myself in a towel and walked back up to the head of the boat. Louis followed shortly behind me.

"Can we do Titanic?" Louis asked suddenly.

"Do what?" I turned to face him, a confused expression painted on my face.

"The Titanic scene where they are at the head of the boat, you know?"

"Oh. Right. Okay I guess" I stood at the head of the boat and Louis came up behind me and lifted my arms up like a human 'T'.

Louis dipped his head down and rested it on my shoulder.

"You are such a weirdo" I laughed.

"Yes but I'm your weirdo" Louis kissed my neck.

Censored (One Direction fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora