Chapter 136

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Chapter 136

Once we all finished our ice cream we piled back in to Riley's car. Again, I sat in the front seat. When we got on to the highway to go home, Riley turned on the radio and changed the station to the main top 40 station. She turned up the volume the loudest it could go and started slowly bobbing her head to the music while Adrian sang along in the back seat. Just as I was about to get really in to the song I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket.

I sighed as I looked at the caller ID that read Zayn's name. I reached to the volume knob on the car and turned the music down to a minimum.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Where are you?" I hear Zayn's voice. It's not like him to worry like this.

"Riley is driving me home" I say.

I hear shuffling on the other end. "Slow the fuck down, man! You barely have her back!" Liam's voice comes in to my ear.

"I know but..."

"Not to mention you didn't even tell us you were leaving! Have you totally forgotten about your band? Come on Louis!" Harry says on the other end.
Do they switch the phone for every sentence?

"I'll see you soon" I sigh and hang up the phone.

"I heard the yelling on the other end, do you want to stay with us tonight?" Riley asks.

Again, I am shocked at her words. How can she be so forgiving so fast?

"Uh, yeah thanks" I say.

Riley turns up the music and brings her hand up to her face to brush some hair out of her face, but I can see her smiling behind her hand.

I pretend not to notice so she can think she did a good job of hiding her small show of affection but I definitely won't forget it.


We arrive about a two hours later at Riley and Adrian's apartment. This whole thing is giving me a headache but I know they're right. I am moving too fast with Riley but I really want to be with her. I really do need to spend more time with the band, and I know I left them hanging on the phone. They are not going to be very happy with me when I see them again.

"Louis you can sleep in Adrian's bed, I'm going to get more comfortable clothes on" Riley says and walks in to his room,

Somehow, even though I knew she wouldn't let me sleep in the same bed as her I am still a little disappointed. I just nod as Riley disappears in to her room. Adrian takes his usual spot on the couch and logs on to his laptop.

"You didn't think she was going to let you sleep with her, did you?" Adrian asks.

I take a seat on the other couch and lay back.

"No, I didn't. But I wish she would have" I say.

I undo my bow tie and untuck my shirt.

I need something else to sleep in.

"I'll be right back" I say and get up and go to the front door. "I'm borrowing Riley's car" I say.

Adrian just shrugs as I grab Riley's keys and run out the door and down the metal stairs. I jump the last three stairs and run to Riley's car and unlock the doors. It's been awhile since I've driven Riley's car so it takes me awhile to get used to the controls. I get the hang of the car as soon as I pull up to the first stoplight.

In about three minutes, I pull up to a flower shop. I park on the side of the street and rush in to the store with Riley's keys in my hand.

I push open the door as soon as an old woman is trying to close and lock it.

"I'm sorry sir but we're about to close" She says and tries to push me out the door.

"Please I just need a flower for my... girlfriend" I say. I don't really know what Riley and I are right now.

"You'll have to come back tomorrow" The woman says.

"Please she's not too happy with me right now" I beg.

The woman looks deep in thought and she finally nods.

"What do you need?" She asks.

"I need a blue flower with red thorns" I smile.

A/N In chapter 125 after Riley and Louis were fighting, he asked how he can make it up to her and Riley said to get her a blue flower with red thorns. Just so you remember.

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