Chapter 47

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A/N I'm really proud of the next few chapters i've written actually so


Chapter 47

I slept over at Louis’ hotel room, I had fallen asleep on the couch while watching Finding Nemo, and Louis had carried me to his bed, and climbed in beside me. Harry was in his own bed on the other side on ours, snoring slightly.

I woke up in the middle of the night when I had a bad dream; I was fighting a shark with Louis when John Stamos came up out of the water and taken Louis, dragging him under the sea.

I was breathing heavily and I sat up as soon as the dream was over. Harry stopped snoring, but he shifted in his bed, so I could see he was still here.

“What’s wrong?” I head Louis grumble from beside me. I sighed in relief when I heard him, showing me that he was not a lifeless body under the sea with John Stamos.

“Bad dream” I laid back down.

Louis scooted over to me and wrapped his arm around me, silently asking me to rest my head on his chest. I did so, and Louis used his hand connected to the arm draped around me to rub circles in my back. I fell asleep shortly.

I woke up hours later, slowly opening my eyes so they could get used to the bright sunlight steaming through the windows.

“Good morning, beautiful” I heard Louis say. I looked up and his blue eyes met my green ones.

“Good morning” I yawned.

“What was your nightmare last night” Louis asked.

I struggled to remember my dream, but it finally came to me.

“We were fighting off sharks, but John Stamos came up from the water and dragged you under” I said. It seems silly now, but at the time of the dream it felt so real.

“Uncle Jesse?” Louis gasped.

I laughed and nodded.

“I think your phone is ringing” Louis said. I heard a faint buzz coming from the living room.

I got up and ran to the area, not bothering to put on any clothes. I reminded myself to ask Louis why I was only in my underwear later.

I ran to my phone and pressed answer.

“Hello?” I asked breathlessly.

“Riley? This is Jordynne from Teen Vogue Magazine” The caller said. “We’re calling about your interview”

“Yes?” I asked, nervous about whether I got the job or not.

“You got the job” Jordynne said.

I held my excitement. “Thank you so much, when do I start?” I asked instead of screaming.

“No problem, you start two weeks from now, on July 17th” Jordynne said. “10:00 AM”

“I’ll be there, thank you so much” I said again.

“See you then” Jordynne said then hung up.

I ran back to the bedroom and jumped into Louis’ arms, who had just gotten out of bed.

“I’m guessing you got the job?” Louis grinned.

I nodded viciously.

“We should celebrate, where do you want to go?” Louis asked.

“I don’t know, you choose” I said.

“I’ll ask the boys, after all they took part in getting you that interview” Louis said.

“Terrific” I grinned. “Oh and one more thing, why am I only in my underwear?” I asked.

“You kept shifting and looking uncomfortable, so I took the liberty of stripping you” Louis still held me.

I raised an eyebrow.

“It’s the truth” Louis promised. “I didn’t do anything, I swear”

I pecked Louis on the lips. “Thanks, then” I said.

“My pleasure” Louis winked.

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