Chapter 71

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(A/N) I am working on trying to explain the characters feelings and be more descriptive please give me feedback thanks read along now

Chapter 71

Louis and I continued the rest of the day just sitting on the couch, watching Doctor Who and throwing little pieces of popcorn at each other. My parents were going to get home in an hour, and Louis decided he was going to spend the night at the hotel with the boys because they missed him. Louis invited me along but I politely rejected the invitation. Louis needed time alone with the boys.

Louis refused to leave until my parents got home, but I made him at least start packing his stuff.

"Be good" Louis kissed my forehead when my mum and dad returned home.

I nodded and pushed Louis out the front door, lightly pecking his lips before sending him on his way. I was going to miss Louis' arms around me tonight, but I could make it without Louis beside me.

At the dinner table my parents asked me about life in London, and I told them about my rental home with Louis and the boys. My parents were skeptical about that, but I promised them it was safe and I still had my flat with Adrian.

"Good night mum, good night dad" I said, putting my plate in the dishwasher. My parents waved me off and I walked up the stairs to my bedroom.

I brushed my teeth and hair then climbed in to bed, but Louis' secure arms wrapped around me stopped me from drifting off in to sleep.

I was a bit sore from Louis and I's activities earlier today, but I would do them again in a heartbeat. Louis seemed so experienced in that area; I wondered who else he's slept with, and if he enjoyed it. My eyelids started feeling heavy, and I grabbed a pillow next to my and brought it close to my body as if it were Louis himself.

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