Chapter 130

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Chapter 130

My office is better than I expected it to be. There's metallic gold stripes along the far left wall that look amazing, not tacky as some other decorations in this sort of genre might be. My big black wooden desk sits in the middle of the room, with a large Mac computer sitting in the corner of the desk.

Freshly sharpened pencils sit in the other corner, and a triangular prism with my name imprinted on the front side of it in large gold letters. A plant occupies the top right corner of the room, right next to a large window. Instead of having the whole wall be a window like in other offices, this office has two windows on the same wall, with a gap in between. In the gap between the windows is a large framed photograph of the first issue of Seventeen Magazine.

I walk around to the back of my desk and slide in to the black leather chair. To my entertainment, the chair has wheels. I open one of the four desk drawers and put my purse in it. I close the drawer and open the others. Inside the top drawer lays a single piece of paper. I take it out of the drawer and read the small black typed ink that occupies the paper.

'Dear Riley,

I see you have found your office! Thank you so much for joining us here at Seventeen Magazine. I have a few tasks for you to complete on this page so you don't sit here bored. You'll have a new sheet each day. On the back of this paper is your schedule for this month. Thanks again!'

I flip the sheet over and discover all my days off this month, and any specific time changes for each starting and ending work day. I'm glad they're making this easy for me, if fact the thing I was worried about most was bothering everyone with asking about jobs for me to do.

I look at the first task on the paper. All I have to do is thumb up or thumb down different pictures of clients on my computer. Easy enough.

I get on my computer and am glad to be greeted by it already being set up for me. I open the file on the computer that the paper told me to and a slideshow of pictures appears. The first one of a model that I don't know looks awkward, so I click the thumbs down at the top of the screen and another picture appears. I continue to do this for at least an hour and a half, and then I run out of pictures. That wasn't boring, but it wasn't very interesting either.

I'm about to go to the second task on the sheet when my phone buzzes from inside the drawer. I get it out and answer it when Adrian's name appears on the screen.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hi Riley! How's your first day at work? Good? Good. Listen, Louis is here and he wants to talk to you" Adrian rushes.

My heart leaps. I don't want to talk to Louis, that would just make things worse for me, however I do want to know what he wants.

"Take a message then text it to me, and don't twist the words around. I need to get back to work" I say.

"Can I take a message?" Adrian says away from the phone.

"No! I want to talk to her!" I hear Louis' voice. He doesn't seem mad, he seems upset. I smile devilishly at his mood.

"No, I'm taking a message. What do you want" Adrian says.

I don't want to hear Louis' voice any longer. Although it makes me feel good that he is also getting hell for what he did, it also brings sadness to me, and I don't need that right now. I hand up the phone and place it on my desk and go on to the next task.

I am on my fourth job when Adrian finally texts me my heart jumps and I quickly grab my phone. I don't know why I'm so ecstatic to know what Louis said, and it's kind of fucking up how I feel right now. I'm supposed to be mad at Louis, but I want to be with him. I want all this to go away, and I want everything to go back to the way it was.

I want to be back with Louis, but I don't want him to walk all over me just because I'm willing to forgive him. I just want to forget about him, but I know that's impossible. I also know it's impossible to stay away from him.

There must be a compromise.

I bring my phone to my face and read Adrian's text.

'Louis says he doesn't think this subject should be ignored and he wants to talk about it' the text reads.

I am kind of disappointed that the message wasn't a long drawn out apology to me, but at least Louis want to talk about it. Maybe then he will be on his knees begging for my love again.

My phone buzzes again, signaling a text. I read the new text from Adrian and this one doesn't make my heart leap. It makes my heart stop all together.

'Louis is coming to your office.' It reads.

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