Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

The man who was facing Riley turned to look at my with harsh eyes. Riley took this opportunity to kick him in his balls. I held my laugh.

The man lurched over in pain.

I kicked the man's bum so he flew forward his chin finding a hard spot to skid

on the cement.

"Riley!" I held out my hand.

Riley looked up to me and took her bottom lip between her teeth before grabbing my hand and letting me lead her out into the street.

I started to run but Riley couldn't keep up, I just dragged her behind. I forgot she was in heels and a dress.

I stopped running so Riley could catch up, we were still holding hands.

"Louis....I.....can'" Riley said between breaths.

I didn't stop to think before I swooped down a picked Riley up bridal style, and then continued to run.

"Louis!" Riley squeaked.

I ignored her and continued running. I tried to ignore her chest as it bounced up and down from each long stride that I took.

'No Louis, this is no time for that' I thought.

I tried to focus on the sidewalk as I ran down it, careful not to step on any rocks or drink cans litter along the path, but Riley was just right there. I couldn't think straight.

When we got to the front of the hotel I set Riley down. My arms were sore from carrying her at least 2 miles, but I would do it again in a heartbeat.

"Louis" Riley shuffles her feet and kicked at some small rocks. "How did you find me?"

"I heard a scream, so I followed it" I explained.

"But why did you save me? I'm just a stupid pap"

Riley continued to look at her feet.

"Riley" I tilted her chin up so her eyes locked with mine. "Never say that about yourself. You are the farthest thing from a stupid pap"

Riley's eyes never left mine.

"But you and Harry were arguing, and then I heard you say 'Well maybe she is!' And I..." Riley's words were silenced by my lips.

Lights drifted from the inside of the hotel and illuminated us and a bit of area around us. I felt like we were the only people in the world. Riley's kiss brought butterflies to my stomach and made my head go fuzzy. Heat arose from my feet to the top of my head and I regretted pulling away as soon as I did it.

Riley looked shocked. I laughed.

"Riley, Harry was saying he doesn't think you're the one for me, and I said-"

"Well maybe she is" I heard a voice come from behind me. Zayn's voice.

"You were right Harry" Liam's voice came next. She is taking up all Louis' time"

"Told you" Harry's dark voice came last. "Fucking pap"

Censored (One Direction fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora