Chapter 94

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Chapter 94

"I want to shower first" I informed Louis once we arrived at our room.

"No I do" Louis whined.

"No Louis I want to shower first" I started heading towards the bathroom.

"I'm already naked" Louis smirked.

"So am I" I said, dropping the towel.

The look on Louis' face was priceless.

Louis followed behind me, shaking his head to get out of his daze. I turned on the shower water and stepped in. I heard Louis come in after me.

"Hand me the shampoo" I spat.

"No, I'm using it" Louis said, taking the shampoo and squirting some in to his hand.

I scooped the shampoo out of his hand just as it was coming up to his hair and put it in mine.

"Hey!" Louis laughed.

I massaged the shampoo in to my hair, quietly laughing at Louis. I reached across Louis and grabbed the conditioner, squirting it in to my hand.

Before I could reach my hair, Louis grabbed my wrist and pulled it up to his head, making me rub it in to his hair.

I laughed and squirted some more conditioner in to my hand, this time rubbing it in my hair.

When we finished rinsing out our hair, we turned the water off and dried ourselves off.

"My underwear is still in the drier" I informed Louis.

"I'll go get it" Louis wrapped a towel around his torso and left the room, leaving me waiting for him in only a towel.

Louis returned shortly with both my pairs of underwear. He hands me the blue polka-dot pair.

"Save the black pair until we're alone" He winks.

I blush and slip on the underwear, then brush my wet hair. Then I walk over to the sink and begin to brush my teeth. I see Louis brush his out of the corner of my eye.

When I'm finished, I leave the bathroom and walk in to the bedroom, where I see Louis has made the bed with our new sheets. I climb in on my side and wait for Louis to join me.

I must admit I am glad that we got the silk sheets; they feel amazing against my bare skin. I pull up the One Direction blanket and wrap it around me. I kick down the duvet because of how hot the room got this afternoon when the air outside was warm.

Finally, Louis joins me in bed wearing only his boxers.

"Babe, why are you snuggling with blanket Louis when the real Louis is right here?" Louis smirks.

"I was snuggling with Liam thank you very much" I smile innocently.

Louis pretends to look hurt and I laugh and snuggle up to him. Louis reaches over to the lamp and shuts it off.

"Remember when you took that picture of me naked" Louis whispers.

"Yes" I grin and snuggle closer to his warm body.

"Think about it; if your curiosity and ambition didn't lead you up that fire escape we never would have met"

"That's weird to think about" And it is. I never thought about where I would be if Louis and I hadn't met. I would probably still be living with Adrian, have my job at Grindstone, and do nothing out of routine each day. Also, my father would still be alive. I tried not to think about that part. Fate is weird.

"I'm so glad I met you" Louis pulls me even closer to him.

"So am I" I rest my head on Louis' bare chest.

"I love you" Louis kissed the top of my head.

"I love you" I wrap my leg around Louis' torso and eventually fall asleep to the sound of his breathing and heartbeat.

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