Chapter 97

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Chapter 97

I got up off the bed and went to get dressed, not bothering to make it. I put on sweatpants and a t-shirt; I was too lazy to do anything more. I quickly brushed out my hair and cleaned my teeth, and grabbed my phone, keys and wallet off the bureau to go shopping.

I walked down the stairs though the empty house and out the front door to my car. I smiled when I saw it. I don't know what it is, but every time I get something new I'm excited to see it, much like when I find a song I really like and I put it on replay.

I got in my car and latched my safety belt before turning the ignition and turning on the radio. I barely listened to the song on the radio; I was concentrating on the road ahead of me and which store I would go to first.

I decided on the closest Tesco and set my route to there.

Unluckily for me, I knew my period was coming soon and it was going to be really embarrassing living with Louis and the boys while it's here, especially when I take so long in the bathroom.

I gripped the steering wheel and bit my lip when I realized how much Louis loves taking showers together, and knowing me it will be hard for me to say no without a reason. Let's not forget that I spend at least half the day blushing for whatever reason.

I sighed and turned on the turn signal to turn left.

I remembered that today is the first day of July, and I start work in two days. I didn't want to go back to work, but I knew I needed money to help pay for college. It has always been a dream of mine to be successful and I wouldn't let a little college tuition stop me from achieving my dreams. Most people want to sing or act or something along those lines of work base but I had always wanted to be successful, in the beginning it was because I wanted my parents to be proud of me but now I know I want to do it, to be proud of myself.

I pulled in to the parking lot of Tesco, parking near the back so I would be less likely to get a scratch on my new car. I grabbed a nearby stray car and walked along the concrete, suddenly wishing I would have brought a light jacket because of the slight shiver the blowing wind gave me.

I walked in to the store, thanking the automatic sliding glass doors for opening for me. I never know why I do that, I started when I was about twelve and haven't stopped since.

I decided to go get my feminine products first and walked to the aisle with a slight blush on my face. I finally made it to the aisle and grabbed a few boxes of items and shoved them in my buggy and rushed off to the food aisle. I shoved my feminine products under the little child carrier part of the car and grabbed a few bags of chips to cover them with.

I walked along the aisles, grabbing whatever food looked good when I saw a teenage girl staring at me. I shrugged and continued my journey down the aisle.

As I pulled off a box of noodles I continued to wonder why that girl was staring at me. Did I have something on my face? I turned to look as sure enough she was still staring at me. Why was I so interesting?

Oh, right.

I'm Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend.

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