Chapter 116

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Chapter 116

I'm sure people walking by me in the park are confused as to why I'm just sitting on an old bench staring off in to the distance, but I don't mind.

I keep thinking about my dad. I have tried forgetting about him, and it has kind of worked, until I see something that reminds me of him. It doesn't seem real. I wonder what would have happened if Louis and I had never met. I think about this a lot actually. The beginning of our relationship was so unreal. It still is.

I miss my dad with all my heart, but whenever I start to think of him I push the thoughts to the back of my head, but I'm sure they'll resurface one day and I will be a wreck. Hopefully I will be alone when that happens.

It's almost August already, and then I September I have University starting. I'm not sure how that's going to go. I am happy I didn't get expelled, however, and that I have a job to help pay the tuition and the apartment rent.

I know I won't be able to see Louis as much, and I guess that's a good thing; however it does make me want to spend more time with him now so I have no reason to miss him while I am studying at University.

Once I have cleared my mind I get up off the park bench and walk down the path so I am back in to the street. I decide to go get a t-shirt as a souvenir and wish I still had Conner to help me with the money, but I think have the concept of it.

As I walk down the sidewalk I notice more and more people gathering around a spot next to the raining that is separating us from the beach. Curious, I walk over and try to peak through the crowd. More and more people gather in, pushing me forward. It is not quiet, not in the least bit. Pretty much everyone is screaming and I get pushed forward more. I hold tight to my purse and pray the Twinkie doesn't get smashed so Adrian doesn't lock me up in the closet.

Pretty soon I am lost in a sea of people, and my ears are starting to ring from the screaming in my ear. I hope the people aren't getting pushed in to the street.

Most of the people around me are teenage girls, and it finally clicks in my mind what they might be screaming at.

I can barely keep my footing as I am practically lifted off the hard concrete and pushed forward in to the circle opening and in to a large man. He picks me up and swings me over so I am in an open area with only five boys.

"Riley! So nice of you to join us" Harry smiles.

I weakly smile back, still trying to process what just happened. I can barely hear them over the screaming of the girls. The security are doing a pretty good job of blocking the girls off, and I guess the one I ran in to recognized me so he put me with the boys.

"I thought you were staying in the hotel today?" Louis frowns.

"I decided I was being stupid for staying cooped up in a hotel and not exploring a country I had never been to before" I answer truthfully.

Louis nods, but he still looks uncertain.

"Please tell me you have water" Niall pleads.

I nod and pull the half empty water bottle out of my purse and hand it to Niall. He drinks half of that water and hands it to the other boys, who happily chug down the remaining water and hand it back to me.

"Thanks" I say sarcastically. "How are you planning on getting out of here?" I ask.

"A car is coming shortly" Liam answers and I nod.

I can practically feel the camera lenses on me and the words of the girl in the hotel come flooding back to me. I shouldn't be with them. Why did I even come over here? Why else would there be screaming teenagers gathered around one spot.

The security guards get closer to us, and eventually start moving us to what

I assume is the car Liam was talking about. I feel a couple pairs of hands tug at me, and one catches a bit of my hair and tugs it out of my ponytail.

I grit my teeth to keep from screaming when another pair of hands grab the end of my shirt and tug at it, ripping the fabric. I feel presence behind me, then two arms wrap around me, shielding me from the screaming girls.

The bottom half of my shirt is ripped, exposing a bit on my stomach. I room recognize the arms wrapped around me to be Louis' and I welcome them with reluctance, the girls' words from the hotel still fresh in my mind.

We finally enter the car and I climb to the back seat with Louis. I am sat beside the window with Louis next to me and Zayn next to him.

I hold the ripped hem of my t-shirt and sigh, then I notice the scratch marks on my arms.

"Jesus" I turn my arm over to reveal more marks.

Luckily, I still have my purse with my wallet, phone, and Twinkie still inside. Some lucky fan must have gotten ahold of the water bottle.

I grab Louis arms and he doesn't have any scratch marks, however his shirt is also ripped at.

"Why do I..." I start but don't finish. I know why I have scratch marks and Louis doesn't; the fans don't like me.

Censored (One Direction fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin