Captain Swan Wedding Anniversary

Start from the beginning

Emma was crying and hugged her daughter. "Having two miscarriages in one year was awful the worst pain ever. It got me to think about what I have, Henry and Hope. Especially almost losing Hope... I have Hope alive. If it weren't for you..." Allison hugs Emma."Hope almost died in my arms, made me think about the miscarriages but this was worse..." She kisses Hope on the head. "I love her so much."

"After your miscarriages, do you want to have other children?"

"Killian and I talked about it a few times. The miscarriages were awful, every miscarriage caused me physically and emotionally painful. I want to have another baby but not now, I am not ready to have another baby just yet. We want to try again maybe next year or sooner. We just want to focus on Henry and Hope. How about you?"

"I do not know...I have been thinking about it for the last two weeks, I am good being a Mom of two. If it happens again, I will be happy." Emma smiles. "How is work? I spoke to Killian when he picked you up yesterday about the case."

Emma sighs. "My mom still does not think she did nothing wrong to Hope! How could she not see that?"

"Emma I know you are doing everything in your power to keep your family and daughter safe. You and Killian are doing everything you can make sure no one hurts your daughter. Some people can never see what they have done wrong." Emma hugs her daughter. "You have me, Emma. You are not alone. You have Killian, Henry, Hope, your Dad and the rest of the town there for you and your family. You got the town to support me in my time of need. I did not..."

"Not supported by my own mother...I always dreamed of having mother-daughter bond but that did not happen... "


"You did not know me when I first came here. I was walled emotionally in my heart by the pain I went through alone...I was mad at my parents for abandoning me. By the time I admitted to them mostly my Mom in Neverland that I was an orphan after 2 years being closed up....then she admitted to my Dad that she wanted another baby right after I admitted to her I was alone my whole life until Henry found me. When she had Leo, my magic acted up because I was replaced again like I was in the foster system. My mom blamed me for my magic too. I never really had a close mother relationship, I had a closer relationship with my Dad. I want to have that with Hope. I love being her Mommy."

"You are an amazing Mom to Hope and Henry, Emma. I see it all the time. You are never going to be like your mother causing your family members pain."

"I want to have another baby but now it is not the time."

"I know you and Killian will have another baby in the future, I can just feel it. I would love to be an auntie again whenever you and Killian have another baby on the way. You have me on your side."

Emma smiles."That is great to know because you are in my support group for whenever Killian and I are ready, I will have another baby, in the future. I know I am not alone."

"I noticed that most of the town has been coming over to give me gifts and food. Did you have anything to do with that?" Emma gave her best friend a maybe look. Allison smiles. "Emma, you did?!"

"I told Granny what happened and she wanted to help you. She spread the word and everyone wanted to help you, especially the parents of your patients who were Leo's victims who you helped, they wanted to give back as a thank you. You do not have magic but you save patients using your doctor skills. That is why everyone wants to help you." They hug.

Hope wakes up smiling. "Hi, Hope."

"Auntie... Mommy."

"Hope, you are not missing girl talk."

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