Captain Swan

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"Emma, they can play in the children's room."

"Great, Belle. We will be back hopefully soon." Emma and Henry Rumpelstiltskin's shop. "I never would think I would be arranging playdates with Rumpelstiltskin."

Henry smiles. "He is my grandpa too but I understand. We are changing a lot since the first curse."

"Yes, he has changed a lot since he had Gideon."

"Yes, he is getting his second chance like you are Mom."

"That is right, Henry. Now, we need to hurry to find your Dad." They rushed home and began packing for their adventure. As they were loading the Jolly Roger, Henry mostly because his Mom was in recovery, Emma had to get Hope's life jacket on her. "Dada..."

"Hope, we are going on a Jolly Roger adventure to find Dada." She hugs her daughter.

"Little sis, Mom, and Dad always find each other. We can call it operation..."


Henry and Emma both smile at Hope, "Hope, operation Dada it is." He kisses Hope on the cheek. "You take after me, little sis."

"Henry, Hope named her first operation. She takes after her big brother."

"Yes. We are going to find, Dad, Mom."

"I know." A portal opens, Prince Eric's ship popped up and docked onshore. Ariel and Melody got off their ship right behind them were Max and Prince Eric. Emma, Henry, and Hope greeted them. "Hope, Ariel and Melody are here." Hope screamed happily.

"Mom, Hope stopped crying. Seeing Melody."

"Yes, I know Hope knows her princess ocean friend is here to play with her and join us on our sailing adventure."

"Hi, Emma! We are here to help find Killian! We know of Morgana."

"Thank you so much for coming." Hope babbles happily. Melody babbles back. "Ariel, Hope stopped crying since she saw Melody."

"I have a feeling they will play a lot."

"Yes, Hope will have her best princess ocean friend on our sailing adventure."


"We are going to find Daddy. We are going to have a fun sailing adventure. Daddy is going to be with us soon." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You are going to be with me when we sail."

Regina arrives, "Hi, Emma."


"Hi, Hope. I am here to go on your sailing adventure."

"Mom, you came." Henry hugs his Mom.

"Yes, I did. I have the magic beans you asked for." She gave Henry the magic beans. "I had a feeling you will need my help finding your Dad." Hope began to cry again.

"Hope, Melody is going to have playtime as we sail on the Jolly Roger. Mommy is going to find Daddy."


"We are going to find Daddy, Hope. Remember our operation dada?"


Prince Eric, Regina and Henry loaded. A door from the Arendalle appears, Elsa arrived. "Elsa.." They hugged.

"Emma, I heard from Belle. I thought you need my help."

"Thank you for coming. Hope, Elsa is here." Hope fusses. "Sorry, about Hope, Elsa. She wants her Daddy."

"That is alright. Hope, we are going to find your Daddy. Hi, Ariel."

"Hi, Elsa." They hug. "Emma, we know each other because we visited Arendalle a few times."

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