Hope's First Birthday

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"You really tired her out Henry."

"Hope skipped her nap, we were playing downstairs. I was reading in here and talking and she was crawling on my back."

Emma giggled."I know, Hope had a lot of fun with you."

"When is Hope's next swimming lesson?"

"It is tomorrow morning, do you want to come with us and watch?"

Henry smiled. "Yes!"

Emma chuckled. "Maybe you can join us in the pool?"

"Finally, Dad has been telling about how much fun you all three have at her swimming lessons."

"It is like a mommy and me class but in the pool. Hope loves the pool. She is my little fish."

"Now, I get to go with you and Hope."

"I know you are going to like it. Hope loves her swimming lessons."

"I know that Hope will swim a lot this summer."

"Yes, she will. Your Dad and I have already rented the beach house in Florida for all of us to go in the summer."

"We are going back?"

"Yes, we are Henry." Hope woke up crying. "Hopey, are we keeping you up?" She sniffs Hope. "You need a change." Emma changes Hope's diaper, Emma and Henry play with Hope after she gets changed. "Mommy."

"Hopey." She put Hope in her arms. "How about you and I can relax in Mommy's room?"

"Henwy."Emma smiled.

"Hope I am going to join you and Mommy." Hope babbled. They go to Emma and Killian's room. Hope crawled all over her Mommy and her big brother. "Hopey, do you like crawling on me, sweetie?"


Emma smiles and puts Hope on her chest. "You can crawl on me." Hope hugged her Mommy. "You are so sweet."

"Mom, Hope is the best." He hugs his Mom.

"I do have the best two kids." She wrapped her arm around her son. "I love cuddling with you both."


"Yes, Hope. Henry is joining our hug." Hope babbled.

"I am right here little sis. We have the best Mommy." Hope babbled. "Mom, Hope is saying "You are the best Mommy." Emma giggles. "Mom, can we get ice cream after Hope's swim class tomorrow?"

"Not right after her class because we need to take a shower after the class. Hope usually naps after her lesson."

"We can walk into town in the afternoon."

"Yes, we can. I know it is going to be nice out."

"I know that Hope is going to want your ice cream."

"You know your sister so well, Henry."

" Of course, I do know my sister. I love her so much. I know how to make her happy." Henry kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope. You are the best sister ever." Hope smiled in her sleep, which made Henry smile "Mom.."

"Yes, you got Hope to smile in her sleep. She loves her big brother."

"She loves you too, Mom. She wants to be with you."

"Yes, she loves being held by me. I love being with two together."

"You have the both of us, Mom." Henry hugs his Mom.

"Yes, I have my two babies with me." She kisses Henry on the head and falls asleep. Emma had both of her children with her which she was enjoying the moments with them. They all took a nap together. Killian returns home from work finding a huge package arrived, he knew it was Hope's playground set. He pushes the box into the backyard. After he went inside to find his family together in their bedroom. He takes a picture of Emma, Henry, and Hope sleeping together. This reminded him from last year when they returned home from the hospital, of how Henry slept with his Mom as Hope was growing inside of her while she was on bedrest. Henry showed his love to her then and wanting to be there for his Mom. Now he is with his sister and their Mom. He knows Emma is enjoying her one on one time with both of her children together. He kisses his swan on the head. "I told you love that you are going to be an amazing mommy. You are love, I see it every day. I love you so much." He leaves the room and empties Emma's shopping bags and began cooking dinner for his family. Hope woke up from her nap crying, which woke up her Mommy. "Hopey, Mommy is here. Are you hungry? Let's go get a snack downstairs. We need to let Henry sleep." Emma brings Hope downstairs and sees Killian. "Hope, dada is home from work."

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