Extra Family Time

Start from the beginning

"No, not at all. Aunt Allison is Hope sick?"
"She might have an upset tummy. She has no fever and eating normally."
Hope began to cry in her Mommy's arms. "Hope, are you hungry sweetie? Yes, Mommy will feed you." She sits next to her husband and feeds Hope, Killian gave Emma her cover.
"Mom, I bought Hope's newborn diapers, baby wipes and also a gift."
"Mom, I know my sister is upset. I want to to make her feel better. So I got her a teething car key set." He shows his family what he bought for his little sister.
"Henry, Hope is going to love it. You can give it to her later after she is eating."
Killian hands over her cheeseburger and fries. "Love, you need to eat."
"Thank you for reminding me."
"You welcome love. You are focusing on Hope. You need to eat love."
"You always care for me."
"Aye, you care for me, I care for you." They kiss. Emma, Henry, Killian, and Allison ate their meal together. The announcement, "Flight 322 to Maine is canceled." Everyone around the Swan-Jones family was mad and upset.
"Emma, I can get us a hotel."
"Are you sure Allison?"
"Yes, you invited me on this trip. It is my turn to book a place for us to stay the night which is fair."
"Love you stay here with Hope. Henry and I will get our luggage. Come on lad." Henry followed his Dad.
"Hope, I know you are not feeling well baby. We are not going on a plane today. So you are not feeling well is on the right timing."
"Emma, I got us a hotel not too far in Orlando at the Four Seasons."
"Great. How much is it? So we can pay you back."
Allison sits next to Emma and Hope. "Emma, it is on me. You paid for the beach house. I just want to help you."
"We are having a sleepover tonight."
"Yes, we are!" They hugged. "How is Hope?"
"She is eating away. Her appetite is still normal. I just talked to Hope about how she was sick today and how our flight is canceled so she won't have a rough flight home."
"Yes, you are right. When our flight is rescheduled Hope won't be sick."
Killian and Henry returned with their luggage.
"Killian, Allison got us a hotel for the evening."
"Great. Love. We rescheduled our flight for tomorrow afternoon."
"Great, let's go to our hotel." They walked together with all of their belongings. Killian and Henry helped with Hope's stroller and car seat. Emma helped Hope. They got a van to fit all of their belongings and Hope's stroller and car seat. Emma placed Hope's car seat in the middle in between her and Henry. Allison sat in front with the driver giving him the address of their hotel. Killian sat next to his wife, he let her rest on him knowing they most likely will have a long night with Hope Hope began to cry.
"Hope, I bought you a gift you a gift." He takes out the car key teething ring and shows it to her. Hope cooed and smiled. "Yes, this is for you Hope." Hope grabbed it and put it in her mouth.
"Henry, good job kid. Hope loves it."
"Mom, I am Hope's big brother. I knew Hope was not herself and wanted to make her happy."
"You did Henry. Hope is very happy now. Hope you like your gift from Henry." Hope looks at her mom with her big blue eyes and had her new toy in her mouth, which made Emma smile. She kisses Hope on the forehead. "Mom, if we can... can we go to the hotel pool tonight?"
"Love, I can watch Hope in our hotel room."
"Are you sure?"
"Aye, Hope and I our daddy-daughter time in the ocean which she loved. Us pirates do not like chlorine water. You can swim with the lad."
"Henry, we are going to swim tonight."
When they arrived at their hotel the driver and Killian emptied their luggage and Emma arranged with the driver to pick them up the next day while holding Hope. Allison went ahead to register them in. Henry got them a luggage cart for them to use to carry all of their luggage. Killian pushed their luggage cart to their room. Their room was a normal tow double shared beds with a couch for a pull out bed and a nice flat screen television. Once Henry saw the couch, "I call the couch bed for the night." Henry placed his backpack and luggage on the couch. Emma chuckled. "Kid, you want to sleep on the pull-out couch?"
"Yes. I do not have to share a bed with anyone."
Emma laughed and thinking "My funny smart son. He is so much like me." Emma brought her, Killian and Hope's luggage by their bed. Killian placed his extra bag next to his wife and his shared luggage. Allison had her own bed. Emma sat down with Hope. "Hope, we have to facetime Grandpa to tell him we are staying in Florida for another night." Hope smiled. Emma giggled. "Hope you are just happy to spend one more night with your auntie Allison." Hope cooed. Emma calls her dad and he pops on her phone. "Hi, Dad." She talks to Hope."Hope, Grandpa is on Mommy's phone." She waves one of Hope's hands to her Dad.
"Hi, Emma. Hi Hope. Any news on your flight?"
"Yes, our flight is canceled as you can see we are in a hotel for the night."
"The storm is still going on here. It is good you are all staying an extra night in Florida. Did you have a problem getting a hotel?"
"No, we did not. Allison got us a room in the Four Season in Orlando."
"Hi, Charming. I got the best hotel for your daughter."
"Hi, Allison. Are you having fun with my family?"
"Yes, I am."
"Mom, gramps is on the phone?"
"Yes. Dad here is Henry." She hands over her iPhone or Henry.
"Hi, Gramps!"
"Hi, Henry. How is your vacation?"
"It is awesome! Mom took me to an amusement park which had like 5 roller coasters, we rode them two times each ride and we rode on the Ferris wheel. When I took Dad to the amusement twice, Dad got sick."
"Lad, I did not sick."
"Dad, your face turned green and you headed to the nearest garbage can." Emma, Allison, and Charming were all laughing.
"Lad the food you ate made me sick."
"Sure, Dad whatever you say." Killian ruffled his hair.
Killian sat next to his wife and daughter on their bed, Hope was snuggling on top of her Mommy. Emma laughed. "Swan, the next time we take the kids on a vacation, you can take Henry to the amusement park."
Emma smiled. "Yes, I can take Henry on the fast rides. You can take Hope on the baby rides."
Killian smiled. "Aye, it is a deal love." They kiss.
"Gramps, Aunt Allison and I built a lot of sandcastles on the beach."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, I never knew until Aunt Allison taught me or been to an amusement park until Mom took me. Dad also won a plush duck for Hope yesterday at dart balloon game on the boardwalk." Emma and Killian smiled at each other and held hands seeing Henry happy explaining his new experiences to his grandfather on their family trip. Hope began to fuss in her Mommy's arms. "Hope, you want your big brother?" Hope smiled. "Okay, sweetie." She carries Hope to Henry. "Henry, Hope wants to be held by you."
"Gramps, hold on a minute. Hope wants me." Henry puts the iPhone down and gets his little sis. Hope snuggles on her big brother "Hope, you want me, little sis?" He holds Hope and kisses her on the head. "I am talking to gramps." He picks up the iPhone. "Gramps, I am back. Hope is with me."
"Hi, Hope. Are you with Henry?" Hope smiles which make him smile. "Henry, Hope sure loves you."
"I know. I love my little sis. She was not herself today so I bought her a toy at the airport before our flight got canceled. Right, Hope you like the toy I got you." He kisses Hope on the cheek and she cooed.
"Henry, it sounds like you are having are all having fun. I will see you tomorrow."
"Gramps, we will see you tomorrow." They ended their facetime call. "Hope, do you want me to read a story?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you love storytime with me." Allison read a book and Emma and Killian cuddled on their bed listening to Henry reading to Hope. Henry got his storybook from his backpack and let Hope sit on his lap and lean on him. He had the book in front of his sister. "Once upon a time, there was a girl named Belle..." As Hope was being read by Henry, he pointed out who is who that lives in their town. Hope made big poop during her story time. Henry sniffed his sister. He stopped reading. "Mom, Hope needs a change. I am pretty sure she pooped." Emma gets her daughter from her son.
"Hope, do you need change?" Henry saw poop all over his shirt.
Henry screamed."Hope pooped all over my shirt." Hope began to cry loudly.
"Mom, I am sorry. I know she is not feeling well."
She rubbed Hope's back and talked softly to her daughter. "Hope, Henry knows you did not do it on purpose. He knows that you are not feeling well baby." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Lad, throw your shirt in here." He hands Henry a laundry bag.
"Emma, I can help you give her a bath."
"Thank you, Allison." Allison runs Hope a bubble bath. "Henry, I get poop on me all the time now. Hope is going to be in diapers for a while, you better get used to it." She brings crying Hope to the bathroom. She kisses Hope on the head and enters the bathroom. She takes Hope's dirty onesie and diaper off.
"Emma, I am pretty sure Hope has diarrhea. From what the amount of poop I saw on Henry. She definitely has an upset stomach. She needs Pedialyte."
"Allison, I bought extra Pedialyte. I wanted to be prepared just in case she gets sick on this trip."
"Emma, you really came prepared. For a first time mom that is smart thinking."
"I packed a little first aid kit just in case too."
"I also have my doctor tools with me, always." She talks to her god niece. "Hope, your mommy is very smart and came prepared. You will feel better in no time sweetie. I know you are not feeling well. I am your doctor I am going to help your mommy to make you feel all better." She kisses Hope on the cheek.
Emma rubs crying Hope's back as they waited for her bubble bath to be ready. "Hope, Mommy will make you feel better really soon with a nice bubble bath and medicine to make your tummy feel better."
In the room, Henry changed into another shirt. And sits on the couch. "Lad..."
"Dad, I know I overreacted. I should not have got mad at Hope. It is not her fault that she has an upset stomach and she had a poop explosion. I know Mom is frustrated that our flight was canceled and Hope is sick."
"Lad, we are all frustrated. Remember when Hope had her first poop explosion on me when she snuggling with me. Do you remember how mad I was when Hope's poop seeped through me?"
Henry chuckled. "Yes, you were so mad. Mad then I was now."
"See lad, we all get mad."
"Yes, I get it. I need to apologize to Hope and Mom later."
"Aye, lad. She was right though we have to get used to Hope's poop."
"Yes, I am her babysitter I have to get used to changing Hope's diapers?"
"Aye, lad. Hope loves you."
"Yes, Dad. I love Hope."
"I know you do, Henry. We just have to be careful how we say our emotions especially during these frustrating situations."
"Yes, Dad. Also, it is a positive solution."
"What do you mean lad?"
"Our flight is canceled. We have an extra day of our vacation and being with Aunt Allison."
"Aye lad. That is smart thinking my boy." He hugs Henry.
Back in the bathroom, Allison held Hope as Emma washed off her daughter. Hope was loving the water cooing and splashing. "Hope, are you happy that you are in the water?" Hope smiled. "I knew that a bubble bath will cheer you up. My little pirate." Emma scrubbed her daughter off with a hotel towel.
"Hope, you are getting so clean, little niece. After I am going to give you your medicine to help your tummy feel better." After Hope was all cleaned Emma wrapped Hope in a towel and dried her off. Allison went to get Hope's pajamas and her medicine. She sees Killian in their room. "Where is Henry?"
"He went swimming."
"Is he mad that his Mom yelled at him?"
"He needed a break. He knows that his mom was frustrated about Hope is sick and our flight was canceled."
"I am going to give Hope her Pedialyte to help her tummy feel better."
"Aye, is she sick?"
"Little diarrhea since she made a lot of poop today and from seeing how wet it was on Henry...it is definitely diarrhea. The medicine will help her feel better for tomorrow for our flight home too and so Hope won't keep Emma and you up all night." Allison got Hope's onesie and her medicine from Emma and Killian and Hope's combined luggage.
"Aye, I hate when our little love is sick."
"Killian, I am here to help. After all, I am Hope's doctor beside her aunt and godmother.
"Aye, that you are." Allison returned to the bathroom hearing Emma talking to Hope was wrapped up in a towel. Allison motioned Killian to come over to listen in.
After Emma lotioned up Hope and placed a clean diaper on her daughter and wrapped her in the towel to keep her warm. "Hope, I don't like it when you are sick which makes me sad, sweetie. We have your auntie Allison who can help us which I really am grateful for. I still don't know how to be a Mommy for you and Henry being there for both. I am hoping Henry is not mad at me for yelling at him for screaming." Hope cooed. "I know. I was just frustrated when you are sick and not your usual happy self and the stress of our flight back home was canceled. I just feel really bad for yelling at Henry. Do you think he will forgive me?" Hope cooed. "You think so?" Hope smiled and touched her Mommy's face which made her smile. "Hope I think you are right. You are a good listener sweetie. I have to talk to your big brother." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Love, Henry went swimming. He and I talked he knows that you did not yell at him on purpose."
"Really? Henry knows?"
"Aye, love. Henry knows his mother by now. He knows that you were frustrated about our flight and our little love being sick." Emma held Hope tighter in her arms.
"I still do not know how to be a Mom of two." Killian hugs his wife.
"Love, we are learning. Henry knows that Hope is sick. He knows that you are needed by our little love. Remember their needs are different. Hope needs her Mommy now."
"I know. Hope needs me." She looks down at her little girl. "Henry needs me too. I missed out on his life so much. I always feel that I need to make it up..."
"Love, you are. You are here for him now. He is living with us. He loves living with you and spending his free time with you me and Hope." Hope cooed.
"Aye, little Hope. You love Henry reading stories to you." He tickled his daughter.
"You are right. I still am adjusting being a mom to two of them. Their needs are different."
"Emma." Allison joins them. "It is never going to be easy trust me. I have been a mother of two for seven years now and they are three years apart. Yet their needs are different. Emma, you are a great mother to both of your children. They love you. Right Hope. You love your Mommy." Hope smiled. "Yes, you do."
"I just feel so bad for yelling at him. I never yell at him only that one time when I was pregnant with Hope I was very hormonal that day."
"Love, talk to our son. Allison and I will take care of our little love."
Emma looks down at her daughter. "Hope, are you going to be a good girl for your Daddy and auntie Allison so I can spend time with Henry?" Hope smiled. "You are Mommy's good girl." She kisses Hope on the head. "Allison, can you give Hope her medicine now? So I do not have to worry while I am with Henry."
Allison smiled. "Yes. I have Hope's medicine." She talks to Hope. "Hope, I have your medicine to make you feel better sweetie. I am still your doctor." Allison gives Hope her medicine. "Swallow Hope." Hope listened to her auntie. "Hope you are my favorite patient. You are going to feel better soon." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Emma breastfed her daughter after Hope drank her medicine. "Killian, if anything happens."
"Love, Hope is going to be with me and Allison. Emma, Allison is Hope's pediatrician."
"I know I know. I am just worried if something happens when I am gone especially when she is sick."
"Emma, I am going to be up here with Killian and Hope. I am going to keep an eye on Hope. I am not going to let anything happen to my little god niece who is also my patient." After Emma breastfed and burped Hope, "Love I got her." Emma kisses Hope on her head and placed her in Killian's arms.
"Killian, give her her pacifier."
"I will love." Allison got Hope's pacifier and gave it to Hope. Killian sat on their bed and letting Hope sleep on him.
Emma changed into her bathing suit and cover and grabbed a towel. "Killian, I will see you later."
"Love Hope will be fine."
"I know. I just need to be with Henry."
"Aye love. I know, he loves you."
"Yes, he does." They kiss. "Hope, mommy will snuggle with you later sweetie." She kisses sleeping Hope on the head. Emma hugs Allison. "Thank you for helping today and this whole trip."
"Your welcome Emma. That is what are sisters are for. Have fun with Henry."
"I will." Emma leaves the hotel room to find Henry at the pool sitting at the edge of the pool alone. "Henry, you are not swimming?"
She puts her towel on a chair and sits next to her son and gives him a big hug. "Henry, I am so sorry that I yelled at you. I love you. I am still struggling with being a mom of two, being there for both of you. With the flight being canceled and Hope being sick...it was stressful."
"Mom. I am sorry for yelling when Hope pooped all over me. I know Hope is sick. I was just surprised that is all. I am sorry for adding to your stress."
"Henry yes I was annoyed that you screamed but I know you were surprised by Hope's poop on you. Allison saw your shirt, she knew instantly that Hope had diarrhea."
"Mom, Hope is sick? Do we need to get medicine?"
"I packed some Pedialyte with me just in case Hope got sick on our trip."
"Mom, you are very prepared. I just felt bad for making Hope cry after I screamed." Emma hugs her son. "Hope had her bubble bath which made her happy."
"Mom, she is a little pirate. She loves the water."
Emma smiles. "Yes, she is kid. We gave her her medicine before I came down here. She is going to be better Henry by the morning. I know Hope will love you to read to her on our flight home tomorrow."
"I will read to her tomorrow on the way home. Do you think she likes the toy I bought her?"
"Henry, I saw her reaction when you gave it to her. Hope loves it."
"Before I came down here, I spoke to Dad. I told him about our flight being canceled is a good thing."
"How so Henry?"
'We get to spend an extra night with Aunt Allison."
"Kid, that is very smart thinking."
"I do get that from you Mom." Emma hugs Henry. "Can we swim now?"
"Yes, we can." They had the whole pool to themselves. Emma and Henry did so many cannonballs, swimming contest and Henry practiced handstands underwater. They swam, took breaks and talked about their trip and what else they want to do together for the rest of the summer. After their two hours of swimming, they headed back to their room. Allison was in bed reading a book, Killian was changed into his pajamas and had Hope awake snuggling in his arms. "Hope, Mommy's back from her swim with Henry."
"Hi, Hope."
"Emma, Hope is getting better. Her medicine began to work. I changed her diaper it was not a poop explosion."
"Yes, it is working. Hope, are you feeling better sweetie?" Hope smiled. "Yes, you are. Are you comfy on Daddy?" Hope cooed. "We are going to snuggle soon." Emma takes a shower, while Henry told his dad and Allison about his one on one time with his Mom. Henry took a shower next. Hope fussed in her Daddy's arms.
"Love, Hope wants you." Emma takes Hope from his arms and kissed her on the head and let her snuggled on her.
"Emma, how was Henry?"
"He was a little sad when I found him sitting by the pool. We talked and he knew Hope was sick and he got concerned his little sister. He felt bad for making Hope cry. He is going to spend a lot of time reading to Hoe on the plane tomorrow."
"Emma, they are really close even though they have an age. Henry loves Hope so much."
"I know." She played with Hope in her arms.
Henry got out of the shower. "Mom, can I hold Hope?"
"Yes, you can." He sits next to his Mom on the bed. She hands over her daughter to her son.
Henry looked directly "Hi, Hope. I am so sorry that I made you cry before when you pooped on me. I know you were sick. I am sorry for screaming making you afraid. I am your big brother. I am not supposed to make you afraid or upset. My job is to be there for you, to help you and have fun with you and read to you all the time. I love you, Hope." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope grabbed her brother's face with both of her hands which made him smile. "Hope, do you forgive me?" Hope smiled which made them all smile. "I love you, Hope. I will always be there for you little sis." Hope would not let go of her brother's face, which Henry did not mind. He loves bonding with his baby sister. Killian wrapped his arms around his wife and kisses her on the head as she was crying at Henry's conversation with his baby sister, she knows that they are really close. They are her children after all and she knows they are going to be close with each other for the rest of their lives. Allison took two pictures one a close up of Henry and Hope talking and another one with Emma crying with Killian hugging her watching their children's relationship getting closer as they get older. Allison loves how close their extended family is. She knows that they are her family even though they are not related to her. Allison knew the storm in Maine was meant to be, for her for niece's sake since Hope was sick so she would not be sick on the plane home. Somewhere in the universe telling them, they needed an extra night in Florida, together as a family.

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