Including but not limited to mobile phones, tablets, computers, TVs, game consoles, etc.

Due to the issue of information circulation, the prices of various electronic products range from high to low, and there are many styles and functions. If you just want to meet the minimum requirements, such as reading news, studying policies, understanding the situation in other places, or reading weather forecasts to facilitate study, etc., then one with one or two hundred points can be used, and one with three to five hundred points is very good.

But if in addition to practicality, you also require appearance, memory, and enjoyment in all aspects, then there are models available no matter how expensive they are. For the system, these products are completely low-tech, but due to the current technological level of the world, it cannot produce higher-level technological products.

The most advanced one here is the same as the projection screens that can be seen everywhere in the city. It only requires a small device and can be worn as a decoration. When using it, press the start button, and a light blue translucent electronic screen will appear in front of you. It is exactly the same as those projection screens found everywhere in schools and cities, but it is much smaller.

Wenzhu simply named this thing a portable light screen according to the general naming method of science fiction novels, or light screen for short. The light screen can also be controlled by voice and has anti-peep settings.

Different styles not only have different appearances and different wearing positions, such as bracelets, bracelets, earrings, rings, and even contact lenses, but also have differences in memory and screen. But there is basically no situation where you can't learn it, so it was very popular once it was launched.

Most people who buy mobile phones cannot afford this light curtain at the moment, and they must have such a tool. Buying other electronic equipment means you have more segmented needs and more spare money.

It's just that there was already a rumor in Taoyuan that Wenzhu was an alien. Now this rumor has become more and more intense, overwhelming other rumors for a while. Even someone like Jiang Heng, who knew Wenzhu systematically but had never asked about it and was extremely confident and determined, was led astray and couldn't help but mention it to Lin Ruoyu in private.

"It's not really aliens, is it?"

Lin Ruoyu held her mobile phone while studying. She didn't even raise her head when she heard the words, but she said seriously: "It could also be magic."

Jiang Heng was surprised: "Why?"

Lin Ruoyu put down her mobile phone. , picked up the mug and drank instant coffee: "Because magic, technology, and immortality have been developed to a certain extent, I think they are all very similar. The purpose of these types is not all to solve the problems encountered in life and in the process of improving strength. Is there a problem? Sometimes the ideas are actually quite close."

Jiang Heng was just bored at first, but was shocked by the technological products Wenzhu brought out and said a few words. Now after hearing Lin Ruoyu's words, she I agree. Anyway, regardless of whether he is human or not, whether he is pregnant or not, he has enjoyed the convenience brought by Wenzhu, and her golden finger will not become his own, so why should he care?

Most people just mutter a few words in private, and the fresher the rumor is, the more they can use it as entertainment. Life goes on as usual, and his gratitude towards Wenzhu will not change just because she has a golden finger. After all, the benefits he gets are real.

As for more things, they don't care.

However, most people are looking forward to what unexpected enjoyment Wenzhu will bring.

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