70 : its my work 😇

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Avneet joined the conversation.

Anushka : you both must have anything in these 2 and half months, right?

Avneet : I don't want to hide anything from him anushka, and even it is impossible Siddharth never touched me ever.

Siddharth : yeah. I never even look avneet mam in that manner, so how it is possible?

Avneet : this is not your baby, but this is the fact that I am pregnant.

Siddharth : ohh (he feels sad from this) but aunty is thinking this is my baby.

Avneet : I can't tell them that this is not your baby , I mean it's our baby for them.

Anushka : I can understand that, you must be thinking that who is father of this child.

Siddharth : why would I think about it I am getting payment for being husband here, and I take one thing very seriously of Avneet ma'am that I didn't have to poke my nose in their personal matters.

Anushka : but your wife is pregnant, you don't want to know, how?

Siddharth : fake wife, anushka mam.

Avneet felt bad for the very first time because Siddharth give it stress on the fake word.

Anushka : good then, Avneet you can handle this matter according to you.

Siddharth : but do i have to pretend like I am happy with this pregnancy news.

Avneet nodded.

Siddharth : okay mam. By the way it is Sunday tomorrow Anushka mam can we go out for a lunch I don't have any work to do.

Anushka : any plans Avneet?

Siddharth : just us, avneet ma'am, have a busy schedule this week.

Avneet don't have any thing to say, because Siddharth already make her out of this plan.

Anushka : I don't mind it is all up to you, we can go out for sure.

Avneet : you guys can go, but right now I want you to help me Siddharth because mom called dad, and very soon now everyone get to know about my pregnancy even in your family.

Siddharth : I will handle mam, after all I am getting money for that.

He again and again admitting it.

Stay tuned

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