44 : Cook Siddharth 👨‍🍳

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Avneet POV

It is not like that I didn't realise that what I did with him is wrong but what can I do with my insecurities and fear of getting used by any men.

That guy made me really so weak to believe anyone.

I am really sorry Siddharth but I can't trust anyone not you too.

I went to the bed.

Siddharth had a bit burn sensation but can understand her feelings as well.

Next morning,

Avneet opens the door after she get ready, when siddharth is making a break fast in the kitchen.

He is not sure that, Avneet will have it or not but still he is making for them.

Avneet came out of her room, she is ready to leave for the office.

Siddharth : good morning, mam.

Avneet : morning, listen I am getting late for the office so I will see you in the office.

Siddharth : have a breakfast mam.

Avneet : yesterday I told you Siddharth don't make anything for me.

Siddharth : sorry mam.

Avneet : and I already ordered my food so I will have it in car so you don't have to worry about it.

Siddharth : sure mam.

Avneet : I am leaving.

Siddharth : mam I am also going to office if you don't mind can I join you I mean will you drop me at office as well.

Avneet refuse him.

Avneet : I am not going to office directly Siddharth so book a cab I will pay for it.

Siddharth : no issues, I will take auto rickshaw or bus like every day.

Avneet : good for you.

Avneet is about to left when the door bell rangs.

Siddharth open the door.

And avneet feel relax when she see it's anushka.

Anushka : good morning friends.

Avneet : good morning Anushka, how are you?

Anushka : all good, so hows your first night.

Avneet feels awkward on this statement and siddharth behaves like he didn't even heard that.

Avneet : what do you mean by first night?

Stay tuned.

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