74 : lets watch movie 🎥🍿

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Avneet POV

I am actually burning right now what the hell, she didn't even invited me. How dare she call my husband without me.

Hey God, it will look so bad if I go with him without any invitation from her and I can't even call her for invitation.

But one thing is very sure, I am not let him go there alone.

Because even after they know it that is my husband but they never left the chance to flirt with him.

And yeah, I am not giving anyone chance to come closer to him, maybe he is not in my destiny doesn't matter.

I don't let any other girl come close to him.

Maybe this is selfishness but whatever it is I will do the same my heart is saying to do to me.

Think Avneet, how will you stop him.

Let's start the drama then, what are usually did whenever I didn't want to go the school when I was a child.

Stomach pain.

I scream "ahhhh"

POV ends.

Siddharth : what happen ma'am?

Avneet : my stomach is paining like a hell, right now.

Siddharth : but what happened suddenly?

Avneet : nothing to worry Siddharth you can go to the birthday party I will manage Anushka told me that it is normal in pregnancy days.

Siddharth : but mam, wait... Let's go to the hospital.

Avneet : no, siddharth, if I will rest in home I will be better. You go.

Siddharth : I am not going anywhere ma'am what if you have any problem after I went away so I am here only with you.

Avneet : I am sorry, I ruined your plan.

Siddharth : I will go and sit in the living room if you feel any problem you can call me.

Avneet : but what will you do, you will get bored.

Siddharth : no mam, I will manage I will watch a movie.

Avneet : I have a bigger screen in my room. You can watch it here and I will rest.

Siddharth : but mam, it will not let you sleep.

Avneet : it's okay.

Stay tuned.

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