Chapter 125: Getting Cobra King

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In the volcano Lair, the villains are resting and Syndrome looked outside of Paris and he sighed.

Scarlet Truther: Well, so far taking over Paris wasn't good enough.

Syndrome: No it wasn't. But you tried and almost had it.

Madame Rouge: It was a waste.

Plant Fiend: Well, not a total waste. But still. We almost did it.

Earthquake Queen: Almost isn't good enough. *Syndrome turned and face the villains.*

Syndrome: You're all not much help for this task.

Plant Fiend: Hey. We worked out butts off to get what we wanted and in the end, we get our butts kicked by them and their allies.

Madame Rouge: You need to give us a second chance before you plan something big on your own. *Everyone decided to debate on that.*

Syndrome: Alright, alright. You all get one more chance before I plan something to help end them forever. And along with my new villains: Cobra King, Grandma Terror, Technus, Princess Snowflake, Snoozer, Sheriff Evilister, Mister Ink, and Frida.

Pepe Le Pew: You're gonna replace us?

Syndrome: No. I wouldn't think of doing that. Cobra King. *Cobra King hissed at Syndrome.* You'll be needed in Paris again.

Cobra King: Yessss! I love round 2.

Syndrome: Head on out before I change my mind.

Cobra King: I won't let you down. *He go to the teleportation machine and he was teleported to Paris.*

Syndrome: Let's see how he does it.

Scarlet Truther: He'll fail like the others. Why bother trying?

Syndrome: Have faith in some people, not everyone can succeed in fighting them. This is why if they can't stop him, I'll have a plan B to stop them and take their miraculouses and have the ultimate power. *He laughs evilly.*

In Paris, Marinette gets her diary and writes in it.

Marinette VO: Life isn't sunshine and rainbows, it's about what's going on in life, like obstacles in your way, and you either have to avoid it or go through it

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Marinette VO: Life isn't sunshine and rainbows, it's about what's going on in life, like obstacles in your way, and you either have to avoid it or go through it. That's what happened to me as Ladybug, many villains are trying to get mine and everyone else's miraculous for whatever evil purpose Syndrome has planned for whatever his evil purpose is. But all I know is, we'll stop at nothing for him or his villains to get what's ours. *Soon, a scream came.*

Tikki: Marinette, look! *Marinette goes to the balcony and sees what's going on. She sees people screaming in fear and the Cobra King releasing his cobras and people running away in fear.*

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