Chapter 41: phone call from Wang Cheng

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At home, the telephone ringed.

Timmy: I got it. *He goes to the receiver and answers the call.* Hello?

???: Hello, Timmy. It's your great uncle Chang.

Timmy: Hi, great uncle Chang.

Wang: Can you get your mom on the phone?

Timmy: Okay. Mom, phone. It's great uncle Wang.

Sabine: My uncle? *She goes to the phone and Timmy walks away.* Hi, Uncle Wang.

Wang Cheng: Hello, Sabine. I have good news.

Sabine: What's that?

Wang Cheng: I'm coming over to Paris tomorrow. I want to share a new soup with you all.

Sabine: That's great news.

Wang Cheng: And to spend time with my great niece and nephew.

Sabine: Yes. The kids would love that. When will you come?

Wang Cheng: I'm scheduled for a flight to Paris tomorrow early in the morning.

Sabine: Perfect. We're looking forward to your visit.

Wang Cheng: Yes. Have to get ready. See you soon.

Sabine: Bye. *She hangs up.*

Tom: What did your uncle want?

Sabine: He's coming for a visit.

Tom: Great. When is he coming?

Sabine: Tomorrow.

Tom: Okay. Should we tell them?

Sabine: Dinner we will tell them.

Tom: Okay.

Sabine: I'll cook tonight.

Tom: You don't have to do that, I'll do it.

Sabine: No, no, no. I got it. *She goes into the kitchen and gets dinner prepped.*

In Jessica's apartment room, Barbara and Olympia were sitting on the sofa with Jessica and Aeon.

In Jessica's apartment room, Barbara and Olympia were sitting on the sofa with Jessica and Aeon

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Barbara: We heard the news about a clown villain. What happened?

Jessica: Just some wannabe clown who wants to be part of a clown act at a circus. Simply, me, Aeon, Ladybug, Black Panther, and a wolf hero stopped him.

Olympia: Really? I guess we were right.

Aeon: Right about what?

Olympia: The evil here in Paris.

Jessica: I know. It's not Hawkmoth this time.

Barbara: What? Not Hawkmoth? Who is it?

Barbara: What? Not Hawkmoth? Who is it?

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Aeon: We don't know. We'll have to speak with the guardian. I'm sure he'll know.

Olympia: Is there a guardian here in Paris?

Jessica: I don't know. But Marinette knows. We could also hear tomorrow about it.

Barbara: Very well. Just make sure you know what you two are doing and not putting yourselves in danger.

Jessica: Don't worry, mom. We got this. We did this back home, I'm sure we can do it here in Paris.

Barbara: That may be true, but you don't know when evil might strike. It's best to stay alert.

Aeon: We know.

In Luka's room, he looks out the window, and Plagg hovers next to him.

Plagg: I can tell something's up.

Plagg: I can tell something's up

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Luka: Nothing. It's just that... my birthday is coming up in 3 more weeks. And what I want for my birthday is just some alone time with Marinette. I feel like I want that, but I feel like my family's planning something.

Plagg: Nothing wrong with that.

Luka: That's half of that. *He looks at a picture of his dad, and he holds the picture.* My dad hasn't been around much.

Plagg: What happened?

Luka: He walked out on us. I miss him.

Plagg: Sorry to hear that. I'm sure you heard of Adrien's mom.

Luka: Yeah. *He snapped out of it.* Anyway, I want three things: no party, no villain fighting, and time with my girlfriend.

Plagg: Hopefully you'll get it. And meanwhile, I'm getting your present ready along the way.

Luka: A present? Plagg, you don't have to...

Plagg: Hush. I insist.

Luka: Okay. If you insist.

Plagg: (You're gonna love it.)

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