Chapter 72: Seeing Sebastian

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In the park, Sebastien walked by and he see Marinette and the others.

Sebastien: Huh, there's Marinette. And her "boyfriend" Blegh! *He goes to the park.* Hey, guys.

Marinette: (Great. Just what I need.)

Luka: (Why him? And I thought Adrien's obsession was weird.)

Sebastien: Been a while, huh?

Nino: It has been.

Sebastien: So what's been going on?

Alya: So far just enjoying our summer. What have you been up to?

Sebastien: Eh. Nothing much. Ever since the school's been out, I've been busy with personal stuff and maybe going to a new school next semester.

Luka: That's one good thing out of it.

Sebastien: What's that supposed to mean?

Luka: Nothing.

Sebastien: You got a problem with me?

Luka: Who said I got a problem with you?

Sebastien: Since I started school. You gave me the eyes since I been to Paris.

Luka: I wonder why.

Sebastien: I learned my lesson. Trust me, if you got a problem with me, you would face me like a man and deal with them and you know how aggressive you can be at times.

Nino: This is dumb.

Sebastien: And besides, a certain someone been giving me the eye. *He looked away.* Isn't that right, Marinette? *Marinette gasped.*

Alya: Oh that is it. *She ball her fists and Marinette stopped her.*

Marinette: Alya, I got it.

Alya: You sure?

Marinette: Yes. *She goes up to Sebastien and scowls at him.* The only "I" I give you it I don't think so.

* The only "I" I give you it I don't think so

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Sebastien: Yeah right.

Marinette: What is with you? Hey, I think I know who I like, and trust me, I don't go for the whole jerk thing. I still can't figure out why girls got a crush on you.

Sebastien: They find me charming and good-looking, unlike some people. *He eyeballed at Nino and Luka.*

Nino: Hey! I resent that!

Marinette: Well whoever told you that is wrong. You're conceited, totally cocky, totally boring, waste of good oxygen. I'm sorry but people like you are the definition of a jerk. *She folded her arms and look away too. Sebastien goes up to Marinette and touches her chin.*

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