Chapter 48: Andre's Ice Cream and making the team bigger

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At the Pont Des Arts bridge, they see André handing out ice cream to the couple.

At the Pont Des Arts bridge, they see André handing out ice cream to the couple

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Andre: Bonjour, everyone. I see you're all together. *He gets the first scoop to Alya and Nino, the second scoop to Juleka and Rose, the third scoop to Ivan and Mylene, the fourth scoop to Alix and Max, the fifth scoop to Marinette and Luka, and the sixth scoop to Kim and Odine.* Ahh, hello you two.

Jessica: Hi.

Aeon: Hello.

Andre: Are you two together?

Jessica: We're sisters.

Andre: Aww sibling love. Another type of love. Allow me. *He gets his scoop out and scoops some ice cream and puts it on a cone.* Here you go, I call it the Sister by chance, friends by choice sundae.

Jessica: Wow. Thank you, uh...

Andre: Andre.

Jessica: Thank you, Andre. *She and Aeon sit next to Marinette and Luka, Marinette thought about making Adrien, Jessica, and Aeon part of the team with her and Luka, and she rolled her finger at Luka.*

Luka: Yeah. *She whispered in Marinette's ear, he thought about it and he thinks it was okay.* Are You sure about that?

Marinette: Positive.

Aeon: What are they talking about? *Jessica shrugged her shoulder on that one.*

After the ice cream, nighttime came, Marinette open her skylight and go up to her balcony, she get her phone out and text Jessica.

Tikki: What are you doing, Marinette?

Marinette: I think it's time to recruit Eagle and Uncanny to be full-time heroes.

Tikki: Aren't they full-time heroes from New York?

Marinette: Yes. But with new evil out there, it can't just be me and Black Panther, we're gonna need help for this one. *Soon, her phone buzzed, it was from Jessica. Saying "Where should we meet?" Marinette replied, "At the Eiffel Tower." *She put her phone up, then the skylight door opened, and Tikki hide behind Marinette.*

Sabine: Marinette, you getting ready for bed soon?

Marinette: Yeah. Just a few minutes.

Sabine: Okay. But don't stay up too late.

Marinette: I won't. 10 o'clock like you said.

Sabine: Okay. It's 9:15, just a heads up.

Marinette: Got it. Good night.

Sabine: Good night. *She close the balcony door, Marinette sighed and Tikki appeared.* Let's go. Tikki, spots on! *She transforms into Ladybug, she threw her yo-yo out, and swings to the Eiffel Tower.*

In the bathroom, Luka washes his face and dry his face too.

Plagg: Tell me again why are we leaving this late?

Luka: Marinette said she has something for White Fang, Eagle, and Uncanny and she wants me to know it too.

Plagg: Ahh, I wonder what it is.

Luka: We're about to find out soon. She wants us to meet her at the tower. Come on. *He leave the bathroom and Plagg hide in his pocket, he opened the window.* Plagg, claws out! *He transforms into Black Panther and extends his staff and goes to the Eiffel Tower.*

In Adrien's room, his phone buzzed, and he got a message from Marinette about meeting her at the Eiffel Tower.

Adrien: Come on, Fangg. We gotta get to the tower.

Fangg: Ready AWOOOOO!

Adrien: Shh. Someone can hear you.

Fangg: Sorry.

Adrien: Fangg, let's howl! *He transforms into White Fang. He opens the window and swings away on his lasso to the Eiffel Tower.*

Meanwhile, in the air, Eagle and Uncanny fly in the air and they get to the Eiffel Tower, where they can see Ladybug and Black Panther.

Meanwhile, in the air, Eagle and Uncanny fly in the air and they get to the Eiffel Tower, where they can see Ladybug and Black Panther

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Ladybug: Good, you're here.

Eagle: Yeah.

Uncanny: What's up? *White Fang landed and put his lasso up.*

White Fang: What's up?

Ladybug: I know this never happened before, but this is the first time I'm doing this.

Black Panther: Doing what?

Ladybug: I know it can't be me, Black Panther, and any ally we trust to fight alongside with, since the villains are much more powerful, we'll have to try a better approach.

Eagle: What's that?

Ladybug: I think I would suggest White Fang, Eagle, and Uncanny fight alongside me and Black Panther- as full-time heroes.

Eagle: Really?

Uncanny: Wow.

White Fang: Okay.

Black Panther: Are you sure they can handle it?

Ladybug: I trust them.

Black Panther: Okay. It's your call.

Ladybug: So, you three are up for it?

White Fang: I'll do it.

Eagle: Me too.

Uncanny: Me three.

Ladybug: Then it's settled. White Fang, Eagle, and Uncanny, you three are part of the team.

White Fang: You can count on us.

Eagle: We won't let you both down.

Ladybug: You won't. (I know you guys won't.)

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