Chapter 85: Tom's jealousy towards Tim

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In the Livingroom, Tim starts talking about his gelato business and Tom gets irritated by him talking about it.

Tim: I thought about expanding my business more.

Sabine: Really? To where?

Tim: Just in Italy and maybe in Paris. I'm gonna move here soon.

Sabine: That's great. Tom, looks like Tim will be in Paris.

Tom: What do you mean?

Tim: Didn't I tell you, little bro? *He gets up and goes to Tom.* I'm expanding my business here in Paris. I'm moving to Paris and spending time with my family and my little brother.

Tom: (Ugh. Why me?)

Sabine: Isn't that wonderful?

Tom: (No. No it's not wonderful.) No. It's not.

Sabine: What are you talking about?

Tim: Tom, what's up?

Tom: You wanna know what my problem is? It's you!

Tim: What did I do? You never like me when I come over here and see you. Did I do something?

Tom: Yeah. You always say that your business is much better than my business and I should know. You talk about it all the time when you come over and I'm sick of it.

Tim: Tom...

Tom: Let me finish! You never know when to stop, do you?

Sabine: Tom! Just stop.

Tom: No. He needs to hear this. I never like you coming over, you always do your surprise visits and just start talking about your wonderful gelato business. Give it a rest and talk about something else.

Sabine: Tom. Enough, you made your point. Now stop it before you say something in regret.

Tom: I'm already regretting it. I regretted it since the day he walked into this house. And I wish he never comes here. He's dead to me.

Sabine: Tom!

Tim: Wow. That's heavy. *His lips quiver a little bit.* I'm gonna be going upstairs. *He starts walking.*

Sabine: Tim, wait. He didn't mean that.

Tim: It's okay. I just... need a minute to think about what's going on. *He goes up to the guest room.*

Sabine: What did I tell you? Forget this little feud and be nice to him.

Tom: He'll get over it. It's fine.

Sabine: No, Tom. It's not fine. You hurt your brother's feelings.

Tom: I may have gone a bit too far, but I spoke the truth. He's always bragging about his "gelato business" and rubbing it in my face and I'm tired of it.

Sabine: Well I'm gonna say this once so you better listen to me. You are going to apologize to your brother and put this little feud aside and try to be happy, okay?

Tom: I'll apologize when he leaves.

Sabine: Then you're sleeping on the couch tonight. *She go upstairs, and Tom scowled.*

Tom: I'll be glad when he leaves and I won't hear from him when he leaves.

In the guest room, Tim sighed and he look at a picture of him and Tom when they were kids.

Tim: What did I do so wrong, Tom? Why do you think that? *The door knocked.* Come in. *The door opened and Sabine walked in.*

Sabine: Tim. I'm sorry for what Tom said back there. That was unlike him to say that. He never said that you when you come by for a visit.

Tim: It's not your fault. It's my fault. I never thought I would brag about my gelato business too much that it's making Tom feel uncomfortable and all that's going on.

Sabine: Just give him some time, he'll calm down and apologize to you.

Tim: No. I think it's best if I leave.

Sabine: Don't leave. He just needs to clear his head for a minute.

Tim: No. He's right. I'll be off. *He gets up and leaves the room, Sabine tried to stop him.*

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