Chapter 189: Meeting with Master Fu

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Soon, the party was slowly about to wrap up to the end, and Marinette's phone started to buzz. She looked at it and it was a message from Master Fu, he wants to see her, Luka, Adrien, Jessica, Aeon, Marin, and Bridgette. He has something to show them. She group chats them and leaves her room and Tikki goes in the purse too.

Tikki: What's up, Marinette?

Marinette: Master Fu has something for us. We're gonna go see what it is. *She heads to the backyard and she sees them by the gate.*

Marin: Don't worry about dad, I told him we're just gonna go to an old friend's house, just for a little while.

Marinette: Okay. Let's go. *They leave the party and head to Master Fu's house, then up in the air, White Fang rides on his moon hoverboard and he sees the others below, he flies down and his moon hoverboard disappeared.*

White Fang: Fangg, let's rest. *He de-transforms and Fangg hovers next to him, he hides in Adrien's jacket.*

Adrien: What's going on?

Lukas: That's what we're trying to figure out.

Jessica: Marinette said Master Fu has something for us. We're not sure what it is.

Marinette: He'll tell us when we get to his house. *Then, they see Aurore by a tree.*

Aurore: Oh, no. Come on, come down.

Marinette: Uh, is everything okay, Aurore?

Aurore: My dog chased a squirrel up in a tree and I can't get him down. It was my birthday present. And I don't know what else to do.

Marin: We gotta go.

Jessica: Yeah, but we have to help too.

Luka: You guys go ahead, Marinette and I'll help her.

Marin: Okay. Be quick. *Adrien, Marin, Jessica, Aeon, Bridgette, Lukas, and Zoey head to Master Fu's house, and Marinette and Luka go up to Aurore.*

Marinette: Can we lend a hand, Aurore?

Aurore: If you're not too busy, that will make my day.

Luka: I'll climb up and get him down, you catch him when I drop him to you.

Marinette: Okay. *Luka goes to the tree and starts climbing it.*

Meanwhile, the others were close to his house, but then, they see an old lady struggling with her groceries.

Mrs. Poppins: Oh, dear.

Adrien: Looks like Mrs. Poppins needs some help.

Zoey: But what about...

Adrien: Help come first, you guys go ahead, Aeon, Lukas and I will help her out.

Bridgette: Okay. Let's go. *She, Marin, and Jessica go ahead, Adrien, Aeon, and Lukas go up to her.*

Aeon: Hi, Mrs. Poppins. Need some help?

Mrs. Poppins: Oh yes, please. I have a lot of stuff and I need help with it.

Adrien: We can help you.

Mrs. Poppins: Thank you. My house is just right over there.

Lukas: Okay. *They grab a bag and help her walk to her house. Soon, Marinette and Luka catch up to the others.*

Marin: Hey, you came.

Luka: Let's go, he's probably wondering where we are and why are we not here. *They keep going, but they heard a little boy crying.*

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