Chapter 194: Returning the miraculous and party clean up

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After the battle, Ladybug goes to Pegasus first.

Pegasus: Kaalki, dismount! *He de-transforms and Kaalki hovers next to Max, he returned the miraculous to Ladybug.*

Max: Thanks, Ladybug.

Ladybug: You're welcome, Max. Bug out! *She flies away, Max takes Markov and heads to the library.*

Then, she meets with Dragonfly at the back of the skate ramp.

Dragonfly: Dariia, slow down! *She de-transform and Dariia hover next to Alix, she handed Ladybug the miraculous back.*

Alix: Thanks again, Ladybug.

Ladybug: You're welcome, Alix. Pretty soon, you'll get the Rabbit miraculous.

Alix: I'll look forward to it.

Ladybug: Bug out! *She flies away, and Alix goes back on the ramp with her skating buddies.*

And finally, she meets King Monkey at the park.

King Monkey: Xuppu, nap time! *He de-transform and Xuppu hover next to Kim, he handed Ladybug the miraculous back.*

Kim: Thanks again, Ladybug. That was so cool.

Ladybug: My pleasure. See you soon, Kim. Bug out! *She flies away and Kim goes back to the park. Meanwhile, Ladybug flies back home and puts the Dragonfly and Squid miraculous on her bed, she flies to Master Fu's house and she landed.* Spots off! *She de-transforms and Tikki hovers next to Marinette, she feeds her a macaroon. Soon, the others came back.*

Mister Quills: Hey. You beat us here. Wish I had wings.

Marinette: De-transform and feed your Kwamis and come inside. *Master Fu heard them coming in.*

Master Fu: Oh good, you're all here. Noticed any power moves you did?

Jessica: There was one where you make a fireball appear on your hand.

Master Fu: Really? Who discovered it first?

Marinette: I did.

Master Fu: Ingenious.

Marin: So, what do you got to show us? New weapons, new powers ups, new miraculouses?

Master Fu: I just wanna warn you all. I have a feeling Syndrome is not done yet.

Luka: What do you mean he's not done yet?

Master Fu: You may have defeated his old army of villains, but when you were gone, he has a new army and I'm afraid that they might be more powerful.

Marin: Big deal, we'll beat them, and we'll win like always.

Marinette: It's not that easy. We just beat up his villains, they'll find our disadvantages and use them against us.

Master Fu: Marinette's right. The war isn't over yet. This is only the beginning of mankind. You see, centuries ago before you guys were the heroes, past heroes had been going through a lot of battles with evil villains, overlords, and even an alien invasion.

Plagg: Hold on, if there was an alien invasion, how come I didn't know anything about it?

Plagg: Hold on, if there was an alien invasion, how come I didn't know anything about it?

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