Chapter 5: Heroes vs Scarlet Truther part 2

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In the city, Ladybug, Black Panther, Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Queen Bee come together and look at Scarlet Truther.

Rena Rouge: Look at her. She's forcing people to tell the truth.

Ladybug: We're gonna have to prevent her from doing it. We just need a way to do that. Let's go! *They all leap down and face Scarlet Truther. *

Scarlet Truther: Ha! If it isn't the famous Ladybug and Black Panther. And your little sidekicks. You can't keep me from making people say the truth. Only I have the power to do so. Now unless you don't want the whole world to know about who you are in those ridiculous superhero outfits, you hand over your miraculouses and I'll let all these people go free.

Ladybug: What's the word I'm looking for? Oh yeah. No!

Scarlet Truther: Very well then! *She blasts at them, they all dodge the blast and run toward her. * Ugh. Stop moving so I can blast you all! *Rena Rouge kicks Scarlet Truther, but Scarlet Truther grabs her ankle and spins her around, and throws her into a tree. Queen Bee flies over her and uses her top and throws it around Scarlet Truther's ankle she pulls her back, and Scarlet Truther exclaimed. * Ugh. Let go of me!

Queen Bee: Nope. Sorry.

Scarlet Truther: You're gonna regret this. *She points her scepter at Queen Bee, Queen Bee evades the blast and Scarlet Truther was free. *

Black Panther: Let's see if this will help. *He threw a cat Boomerang at Scarlet Truther, it hit her in her head. *

Scarlet Truther: Ow!

Black Panther: Now that's what I call a splitting headache.

Ladybug: Too soon. *She throws her yo-yo at Scarlet Truther, but she caught the yo-yo and threw it up in the air, and blasts it into pieces. *

Scarlet Truther: Hahahaha! Try to make one of your pathetic lucky charms appear without your magical yo-yo.

Ladybug: Oh no. My yo-yo. I can't make a lucky charm appear now.

Black Panther: You're gonna have to think fast. I think she's gonna reload.

Ladybug: Come on, come on. *She looks around and can't seem to use something in the battle. * I can't think of anything.

Scarlet Truther: Think about this! *She points her scepter at Ladybug, Black Panther pushes her out of the way and the blast hit a car. *

Black Panther: What's wrong?

Ladybug: Can't think of anything to use. *Then, the yo-yo starts to glow and it's magically fixed. * Hey. It's fixed. *She looked at the blast. * Carapace!

Carapace: Shelter! *He lifts his green shell and made a green dome appear, protecting them. *


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