Chapter 158: Going to Adrien's house

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It's... Friday! There were a lot of things to do before the concert tonight, Marinette made a list of stuff that needed to be done before the show.

Marinette: There. First, mail off invitations, second, help out at the bakery for a little bit, third, do a little present shopping with Marin and Bridgette to get Timmy's for tomorrow and dad's Father's Day present, fourth, fight an Akuma and a villain, and fifth, get ready to go to the concert.

Tikki: What's that?

Marinette: My to-do list for today, Tikki. I have a lot of stuff to do before we leave for the concert tonight.

Tikki: Wow. That's a lot of stuff for one day. Think you'll have time to get all of that done before you leave?

Marinette: Best bet is to get as much done as you can, so you can get the next stuff done. So whatever I don't get done today, I get done by tomorrow.

Tikki: Oh. Okay. *Soon, her phone buzzed. She looked at it. It's a message from Alya.*

Marinette: Hmm. Alya texted. *She opened the message.*

🦊: Hey girl. We're going to Adrien's house to hang out. You wanna come?

🐞: I can't.

🦊: Why not? You can't be that busy today.

🐞: I am. Gotta mail off invitations to Timmy's friends for his party on Sunday, gotta help out at the bakery for a little bit, and gotta go present shopping for Timmy and my dad- gotta get them their presents before tonight. But I'll see you at the concert.

🦊: Aww, come on. Can you do those things later? You did Clara's costume, it took you almost the whole day to get it done, think you can take a break and have fun with us.

🐞: Not this time. Maybe next time.

Sabine: Marinette, come help Timmy with the invitations.

🐞: Gotta go. *She put her phone in her pocket, put on her white beret and glasses, she heads downstairs to the living room.*

Bridgette: Whoa. Since when do you wear glasses?

Marinette: These aren't prescription, they're fake.

Bridgette: Oh. I was gonna say.

Sabine: Oh my god, shut up! You talk too much. *She covered her mouth.* I am so sorry, I don't know where that came from. *She starts to get teary-eyed and starts to cry.* I'm such a bad mother.

Tom: No you're not. You're just...

Sabine: Just what? Just what, Tom? What am I, huh? Oh, don't say anything YOU BIG APE! I'm going to bed, don't follow me. *She goes to her room.*

Marin: What was that all about?

Yéyé Gregory: That right there is the mother hell train of hormones.

Marin: The what?

Yéyé Gregory: The mother hell train of hormones. Your late grandma had been dealing with hormones when she was pregnant with your mom. She would be having nonstop cravings and non-stop mood swings with insults and curse words in Chinese. There were some things I don't understand. I may be Chinese, but I don't know what they mean. She had a sailor's mouth. Your mom will go nuts for these 9 months.

Sabine: I heard that, dad! AND I AM NOT GOING NUTS!

Yéyé Gregory: Told ya. Nuts.

Tom: She went through 3 pregnancies, I'm sure she'll get through the fourth one. 'Hopefully, this will be the last time this ever happened.'

Timmy: Let's go. *Marinette and Timmy head outside and start mailing off invitations to his friends.*

Outside of the Agreste Mansion, the gate doors start to open and all of his friends walk through and stopped at the front door, Gorilla opens the door and lets them all in.

Outside of the Agreste Mansion, the gate doors start to open and all of his friends walk through and stopped at the front door, Gorilla opens the door and lets them all in

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Gabriel: Hello, children. Adrien is upstairs in his room.

 Adrien is upstairs in his room

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Emilie: Have fun today. *They said thank you to Gabriel and Emilie, and they go upstairs to Adrien's room.*

Nino: Hey, dude.

Adrien: Hey, guys.

Jessica: Nice room. Is that a climbing wall?

Adrien: Thanks. Yeah. I don't usually get these kinds of things.

Kim: Yeah. Cause you are rich and famous. *Alix elbowed Kim in the arm.* Ow! Well, it's true.

Adrien: Where's Marinette?

Alya: She's busy. She might not come over today.

Adrien: Oh. *He starts to look a bit sad. Since they made up and became friends again, he wanted to spend a little more time with her. But it may or may not happen. The only time that happened is when fighting villains and akuma villains, nothing more.*

Nino: Hey, don't get too bummed. I'm sure she'll come around.

Adrien: Let's hope so. *Ivan and Kim play soccer and foosball, everyone else either talk, walks around, or watches some TV.*

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