Chapter 27: Ladybug and Black Panther vs Plant fiend

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In the museum, Plant Fiend fires his scepter and made a giant Venus fly trap monster appear, it roared and people start running out of the museum, panicking.

Plant Fiend: Be afraid! Be very afraid! *He laughs evilly.*

Ladybug: Don't you think it's a little early for gardening?

Plant Fiend: Ladybug? Black Panther? Do you think you can defeat me and my giant companion? Well, think again.

Black Panther: Guess we're dealing with Mr. Weed again.

Plant Fiend: Who are you calling a weed? *He aim his staff and tried to blast them, but they evade the blast, his blaster made bushes and shrubs appear.* Hold still so I can get your miraculouses! *His staff glowed green.* Hope you get the "point" *He blasts some cactuses Black Panther gets his stick and hit the cactuses some hit the ceiling and one hit the Venus Fly Trap monster, it roared in pain.* No! Not my plant. Take a whiff of skunk cabbage! *He blasts skunk cabbages, Ladybug kicks the cabbages out of the way and Black Panther swings his staff and his Plant Fiend.*


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Black Panther: Now that stinks

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Black Panther: Now that stinks.

Plant Fiend: Looks like I'm not much wanted here. Come, my beloved. We will take over the city! *He fly up on top of the Venus Fly Trap monster, it roared again and use its roots and hit Ladybug and Black Panther to the wall.*

Black Panther: This sucks.

Black Panther: This sucks

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The one who lost hope (sequel): Evil strikes again part 1Where stories live. Discover now