Chapter 113: Telling Olympia that Aeon is a miraculous hero and dinnertime

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In Jessica and Aeon's apartment, Aeon looks at her viper bracelet.

Jessica: So, how are you like your miraculous?

Aeon: It's pretty cool. I used my weapon and my powers for the first time.

Jessica: What was your power again?

Aeon: Hypnotization, I can put a villain in a trance by looking in my eyes and I have a viper ribbon.

Jessica: Cool. Marinette mentioned turning your opponent into stone.

Aeon: Oh, she did? I haven't tried the stone thing yet. Maybe next battle I will. *Soon, Olympia and Barbara walk into the bedroom.*

Olympia: Girls, your mom and I are going out tonight. Think it's okay if we leave you two home alone?

Jessica: We'll be fine.

Olympia: Okay. *Barbara sees a bracelet on Aeon's wrist.*

Barbara: Aeon, what's that bracelet on your wrist?

Aeon: Oh, this? This is a snake miraculous.

Olympia: A snake miraculous? What kind of snake?

Aeon: A green viper. I have a special power with this.

Olympia: You do? What kind of power do you have?

Aeon: I have the power to hypnotize my opponent and put them in a trance.

Jessica: And she can turn people into stone. Kinda like Medusa.

Olympia: Stone?

Barbara: Hmm. I don't know about this kind of power.

Aeon: I haven't tried it yet. But soon, I will. And it's okay. I won't be using it for evil.

Olympia: Okay. Just as long as you don't use it for evil, it's okay with us.

Barbara: Yes.

Aeon: Okay. *She look at her bracelet and grinned.*

Olympia: Well, we're off. There's some lasagna in the oven if you guys want something to eat.

Jessica: Okay.

Barbara: We won't be gone long. *They both leave the apartment.*

Jessica: Wanna watch some TV?

Aeon: Okay. *They both leave the bedroom and go into the living room and watch some TV, Luccy and Liiri go after them.*

In Marinette's house, the family's in the kitchen getting dinner ready. Tom stirred the water and it was boiling too.

Tom: Okay. Is the linguine pasta ready?

Marin: Here they are. *He handed his dad the pasta and put it in the pot and he stirs it too.*

Tom: Thank you. Now, is the calamari ready?

Marinette: Almost ready.

Sabine: Just gotta add the seasoning.

Tom: Okay. *They finish up making dinner, Bridgett gets the dinner rolls and Marin helps set the table, he added a flower to the vase.*

Sabine: Aww what a nice centerpiece.

Marin: Thanks, mom.

Tom: Dinner will be ready soon. Why don't you all relax for a bit?

Marinette: Okay. *They all go sit in the living room and watch a little bit of TV and wait for dinner to be ready.*

In the houseboat, Luka drinks some water, and Juleka's phone buzzed, it's a message from Alya.

Juleka: Hey. There's a new movie coming into theaters.

Luka: What movie?

Juleka: Just a 3-D movie: How to train your dragon.

Luka: I think I saw a preview of that.

Juleka: Alya suggested we should all see it tomorrow.

Luka: I'll go. I'll ask Marinette if she wants to go.

Juleka: Okay. *Luka gets his phone out and texts Marinette.*

L: Hey. There's a movie playing at the cinema tomorrow. Do you, your brothers, and your cousin wanna come?

M: I'll have to ask my mom.

L: Okay.

Luka: She might come.

Juleka: Okay.

In Marinette's house, Marinette looked at her phone.

Marinette: Mom, is it alright if I go to the movies tomorrow? Luka said Alya is planning it tomorrow.

Sabine: Sure. What movie are you guys gonna see?

Marinette: How to train your dragon.

Timmy: Can I come and watch it with you guys?

Marinette: You can.

Timmy: Yes.

Marinette: Marin? Bridgette? Do you guys wanna come?

Marin: Nah. I'm gonna lay low for the day.

Marinette: Lay low?

Marin: Just do nothing for the day.

Sabine: Not just do nothing, you can help your dad and me at the bakery.

Marin: Okay.

Bridgette: I'll come. It's been a while since I've been to the movies.

Marinette: Really?

Bridgette: I have seen puppet shows in Beijing.

Marinette: Oh. Okay.

Sabine: Okay. You three will have fun tomorrow.

Bridgette: What time's the screening?

Marinette: I'll have to ask him.

Tom: Dinner's ready! Linguine and calamari!

Tom: Dinner's ready! Linguine and calamari!

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Sabine: Let's go.

Marinette: I'll text him later. *They all go to the table and Tom serves them a plate of linguine and calamari.*

Tom: I hope you all are hungry because I made this special.

Sabine: It smells delicious. *Timmy takes a bite of the food.*

Timmy: It tastes delicious too.

Tom: Glad you like it. *They all enjoy it.*

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