Chapter 122: Heroes vs Syndrome and taking the miracle box

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In the Volcano lair, the guards came up and fight them off, but they fight them all off, Ladybug ducked and dodge, throw her yo-yo out, and struck one in the face, she flip over and throw her yo-yo out and pull one guard back and she retrieves her yo-yo, Black Panther swings his staff, kick one in the face, throw a bomb at a few and the cat nip bomb exploded, a few coughed and gagged from the cat nip smell.

Black Panther: Spin cycle, Sayonara! *He push them all back and lower his staff down, White Fang pounced like a Wolf, kick one down, get his spear out, and fire some moon rocks and stars at the guards.*

White Fang: You know? For guards like you, you don't know how to stand your guard, you're like dominos. We always knock you down. *He fires his spear and knocks some down. Eagle twirl her bullroarer, then throws it out, and hit a few, she flies up, and they fire their blasters and she dodges and evades the blast, she swoops down, they duck and Viperia twirl her snake ribbon and put one close to her.*

Viperia: Look into my eyesssss. *Her eyes turn golden yellow and the snakes in her hair start to hiss and she turned one guard into stone.* Huh, that was easy. Who's next? *The five guards runaway and she run after them, Mister Quills draw his quill katana and fight a few off, he struck a few, did a back flip and cut a few down, he see one tackling him.*

Mister Quills: Aren't you a little old for a piggyback ride? *He run back and hit him against the wall, he start to lose grip on his back, then an arrow was shot at his suit.* Hey! Taste my quills. *He points his pin cushion and fires a few needles at them and they became paralyzed. Blue Feather opens her fan and swings her fan around and pushes a few guards back, she turns too.*

Blue Feather: Here. Join my fan club. No autographs, please. Grrr-aaah! *She fans them away. Then Firefly get his light slicer and one guard hit the light slicer, and he pushes them back, he ducks and dodges a few and throws his slicer and cut a few, and he gets it back. Then a few more came and he get ready to blindsight them.*

Firefly: Time to shine a little light in here. Illuminate! *His ring glowed yellow and his light start to shine bright, a few guards exclaimed and covered their eyes too.* Yes! *And Flora get her blade and fight them off too, she leap up and pour her spear and made a trail of vines appeared, and tied a few up in vines.*

Flora: I'm always in the mood for gardening. *She sees more guards heading her way.* Fall Vortex! * She shoots a long wavy ray with leaves towards them, and they fell back.*

Syndrome: Grrr! You're not gonna win that easily! *He fired his power at them, and Magnolia use her powers to deflect the blast, she made a sword appear and she run up and fight off Syndrome, Ladybug looked around and she sees the Miracle Box

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Syndrome: Grrr! You're not gonna win that easily! *He fired his power at them, and Magnolia use her powers to deflect the blast, she made a sword appear and she run up and fight off Syndrome, Ladybug looked around and she sees the Miracle Box.*


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The one who lost hope (sequel): Evil strikes again part 1Where stories live. Discover now