Chapter 79: Marin and Bridgette to the rescue and finishing off Beauty Queen

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Meanwhile, the gel griddles and crack, she exclaims in pain and gets on her knees, then she sees Marin and Bridgette walk outside and they see Ladybug.

Ladybug: Marin? Bridgette?

Marin: Marinette... don't worry. We'll handle this. *He gets his wrist out and shows his kwami, Spiike, the Porcupine Kwami. *

Ladybug: Huh?

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Ladybug: Huh?

Marin: Ready, Spiike?

Spiike: Ready.

Marin: Spiike, quills up! *His bracelet turned gray, he raise his arm up and Spiike goes into his bracelet and it shows black lines on it, he pushes his hair back and it's spiky and in a Mohawk, he stretches his arms out and has a Porcupine-themed suit and a quill backpack behind his back, he slides his left hand and made a brown and white mask appeared, a utility belt with nunchucks, a quill sword, quill picks, and a rope. He turns and hunches over until his quills stand up. He is Mister Quills. Bridgette open her box and reveal a Peacock hair clip and Purry, the Peacock kwami appeared.*

Bridgette: Ready, Purry?

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Bridgette: Ready, Purry?

Purry: Ready, Bridgette.

Bridgette: Purry, spread my feathers! *Purry goes in her hair clip and it's turquoise and the light glow blue, she slides her hands across her eyes and a turquoise mask appeared, she raises her right arm up and made a Peacock-theme super suit appeared, she flips her hair back and it's in a ponytail and curled up too, she made a feather cape appeared, she clapped her hands and made a feather fan appeared. She turns in a circle and covers her mouth with her fan. She is Blue feather.*


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