Chapter 126: Heroes vs Cobra King part 1

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In the city, Cobra King channeled his snakes into striking at people, he hissed and spew out strong venom.

In the city, Cobra King channeled his snakes into striking at people, he hissed and spew out strong venom

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Cobra King: Yesssss. Feel the fear of me: The Cobra King! *He laugh evilly and hissed too. Soon the heroes faced him.*

Ladybug: Hey, Snakey! Back off!

Cobra King: Oh look. Back for another round? Good luck trying to defeat me because I'm more powerful thanks to my venom. *He hissed at them.*

Mister Quills: Let's see how powerful you'll be when we finish you!

Cobra King: Give it your best shot. *They get their weapons out and run up toward them.* Snakes, attack! *The snakes hissed and slithered towards them, they deflect the snakes and their venom, Black Panther swing his staff and swing one away, he throw a cat nip bomb out and it exploded, a few slithered away, Ladybug throw her yo-yo out and swing away and kick the snakes away, she did a flip and run up and struck Cobra King in the face, he hissed in pain, he looked at her and scowled. White Fang fires some moon rocks and rolls them toward the snakes, they slithered away, but instead they get crushed by the moon rocks, he leaps up and swings his spear and a white sonic wave appeared and push the other snakes out of the way.* You think you can defeat me? Well, try to defeat me with this. *He spits out venom and Ladybug flips away from the venom blast, she swings her yo-yo out, swings forward, and kicks him in the stomach, she landed and Blue Feather runs up towards her.*

Blue Feather: I thought snakes were supposed to rattle before they strike.

Cobra King: Are you calling me a Rattlesnake? I am offended by that!

Blue Feather: Whatever. *She opens her fan.* I was just trying to make conversation. *She turn and swing her fan and some blue sonic blast waves came, Cobra King evade and dodge the blast waves, he run up and jump towards them, but Mister Quills strike Cobra King with his katana, the Cobra King hit the ground and he covered the cut that Mister Quills struck him at- on the stomach.*

Mister Quills: You two okay?

Ladybug: Thanks to you.

Blue Feather: Yeah. *Cobra King gets up and starts to heal himself.*

Cobra King: It'ssssss gonna take more than a cut to finisssssh me off, sssssspikey.

Mister Quills: Are you kidding me?

Cobra King: Let'sssssss dance. *He spews more venom out and they evade it.*

Flora: Ugh. His venom is strong.

Eagle: And poisonous. Do you know what venom will do to you once you're bitten by a Cobra?

Firefly: Easy. You die.

Eagle: That's putting it lightly.

Mister Quills: He doesn't wanna give up, does he? *Ladybug gets her yo-yo out and twirls it.*

Ladybug: He'll give up after this. Lucky charm! *She throw her yo-yo up in the air, and a swarm of ladybugs appeared, and made a pocket watch appeared.* A pocket watch?

Blue Feather: Are we looking for the time? *Ladybug thinks for a little bit

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Blue Feather: Are we looking for the time? *Ladybug thinks for a little bit.*

Ladybug: No. But I think it's "time" for me to go. Hold him off and I'll be right back. *She throws her yo-yo out and swings away too.*

Cobra King: Ha! Defenselessssss without your leader? Thisssss isssssss too good.

White Fang: We're not defenseless. You, on the other hand, will be when we're done with you and your slither crew.

Cobra King: Ha! Give it your besssssssst ssssssshot. *He hissed and show off his tongue.*

Black Panther: Alright, you cold-blooded freak, you asked for it. *They charged at him and fight him off too.*

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