Chapter 193: Heroes vs Monsuier of disguise part 2

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In the city, the others keep trying to fight off Monsieur of Disguise, but they can't see him because he's in invisible mode.

Black Panther: Where is he?

White Fang: He's still in invisible mode.

Blue Feather: How can we beat him if he's invisible?

Monsieur of Disguise: Ha! Think you can beat me, well think again. You can't even see me. *He punch and beat every single of them, they all moaned, and he laugh evilly. Then, Ladybug, Pegasus, King Monkey, and Dragonfly appeared.*
Dragonfly: What's going on?

Mister Quills: We're dealing with Monsieur of Disguise.

King Monkey: Where is he?

Eagle: He's invisible.

Ladybug: He won't be invisible for long.

Flora: How are we gonna do that?

Ladybug: Like this. *She put on the squid necklace and Inkky appeared.*

Mister Quills: Ladybug, what are you doing? How is that gonna help?

Ladybug: Just trust me. Ready, Inkky?

Inkky: Let's do this!

Ladybug: Tikki, Inkky, unify! *She merged into Squidbug.* Ink spew! *She point her ink spear and made a splat of ink come out, Monsieur of Disguise start coughing and exclaiming in disgust, then he reappear.*

Monsieur of Disguise: Aw nuts

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Monsieur of Disguise: Aw nuts.

Squidbug: Got him. Tikki, Inkky, divide! *She submerged and Inkky hover next to Ladybug, she take the Squid miraculous off her neck and put it in her yo-yo.* Let's go. He's not invisible. *Mister Quills draw his quill katana swords.*

Mister Quills: Finally. *They charge and fight off Monsieur of Disguise. Mister Quills swing his swords, and Monsieur of Disguise ducked and dodged and he kick Mister Quills in the face, he fell back, Eagle fly up and dive down, and Monsieur of Disguise ducked and grabbed her ankle.*

Monsieur of Disguise: Gotcha, feather brain. *He pulls her down and she hit the ground. Then, a ribbon was wrapped around his right wrist.* What the heck? *Viperia lift her ribbon, Monsieur of Disguise exclaimed and she flick it down and he hit the ground, but Monsieur of Disguise pull the ribbon back, Viperia went forward and he punch her in the stomach, she clench her stomach and moaned a little bit.* Ha! Had enough?

Dragonfly: Hey. Think fast. *She throw her disk, it hit him in the face, the disk came back and she caught it. Monsieur of Disguise gets back up.*

Monsieur of Disguise: You picked the wrong day to mess with me, girl. *Black Panther throws his cat nip bomb and it exploded, Monsieur of Disguise start to cough and can the smell of cat nip away, Viperia gets up and get her ribbon. Blue Feather open her fan and swing her fan and made a few sonic arches appear, but Monsieur of Disguise went invisible again.*

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