Chapter 173: Returning the miraculous and father and son love

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After getting Minotaurox and Polymouse's miraculous, Ladybug head back to Master Fu's house and return them to him.

Marinette: Here you go, Master

Master Fu: Thank you, Marinette. Another day saved.

Marinette: Let's hope that's the last akuma for the day.

Master Fu: Never say never.

Marinette: See you later, Master.

Master Fu: Goodbye, Marinette. *She gets up and leaves the house. Outside, Marinette's phone buzzed. It was a message from Bridgette.*

B: We're at Luka's houseboat. Meet us there.

Marinette: Hmm. Why are they all there? *She goes to his houseboat.*

Tikki: What do you think the issue is?

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Tikki: What do you think the issue is?

Marinette: I don't know, but I'm gonna find out what it is. *She keeps going.*

Outside, Luka, Jessica, Adrien, Aeon, Marin, and Bridgette wait for Marinette to come, and soon they see her.

Marinette: What's wrong?

Marin: Think Luka's gonna tell us about his dad.

Marinette: I didn't know you have a dad.

Luka: It's complicated. All I know is he's trying to get back with my mom.

Jessica: Do you want him to do that?

Luka: Half of me wants to, but the other half doesn't want to. He missed out on my and Juleka's life when we were young. He has a new family and left me, my sister, and my mom. I'm not sure if I'm ready for him to be back in my life.

Jessica: Wow. Didn't know you had a rough life when your dad was here and just left you. That must've been tough.

Luka: It was, but we learned to live with it.

Marin: Sorry to hear that.

Bridgette: You could give him another chance. Give it a month or two and see how things are going. You might get that special bond back again.

Luka: Doubt it.

Aeon: It doesn't hurt to try.

Adrien: We'll go with you and see what happens.

Marinette: If it doesn't work out, it's okay. You still got us, y'know.

Luka: Thanks, guys. Let's go. *They go to the houseboat, and Luka opens the door.* Mom, where's dad? I have to talk to him.

Anarka: He's up on the deck.

Luka: Thank you. *They go up the stairs to the upper deck, and he sees his dad on the edge.* Dad? *Othiteka turned his head and see Luka.*

Othiteka: Luka?

Luka: I have to talk to you.

Othiteka: Okay. *They both sit down.* What's up?

Jessica: That's his dad?

Bridgette: Yeah. Shh.

Luka: I know when you got here, I was mad that you were here and probably wanna be back in our lives again. If you want to do that... I'll be okay with you coming back. Because... I miss you. *Tears start to fall down his face, Othiteka looked at Luka, he looked worried and he wipes his tears.*

Marin: Sounds like he's crying.

Marinette: It is. Shh.

Othiteka: Hey, don't be sad. I came here to smooth things out with your mom and maybe get back together. And to be honest, I do miss you guys too. Michael and Aria remind me of you and Juleka, things changed over the years and I know you guys miss me and I miss you too. The divorce thing was tough for me and me not being around you guys. And I'm gonna do better as a father to you guys and with my other kids. I have a feeling you guys might get along well. Don't let me be around here to make you sad. *Luka sniffed and wipe his tears and look at his dad.*

Luka: It's not that. It's everything. I know you haven't been around much and I know why. I just wish you didn't leave.

Othiteka: Me too. I thought about moving back in with you guys. It might take me days or weeks for this to happen.

Luka: Where do you live now?

Othiteka: I live in New York now. But we'll have a better life with you guys again. Like the old days. *Luka grinned and he hugs his dad, Othiteka grinned at Luka and he hugs his dad.*

Luka: I love you, dad.

Othiteka: I love you too, Luka.

Jessica, Aeon, and Bridgette: Awwwww. *Othiteka looked behind and see them.*

Othiteka: Guess you have some friends.

Luka: I do. *They get up and face the others.* Guys, this is Othiteka, my dad. *They said hi to him and he said hi back.* These are my friends: Adrien, Jessica, Aeon, Marin, and Bridgette. And Marinette, my girlfriend.

Marinette: Nice to meet you, Mr. Couffaine.

Othiteka: Pleasure is all mine. I can see why my son loves you, you're his melody.

Marinette: He told you that?

Othiteka: Yes. *Luka looked away and blushed.*

Inside, they all sit and talk for a little bit, Marinette looked at pictures of Juleka and Luka.

Inside, they all sit and talk for a little bit, Marinette looked at pictures of Juleka and Luka

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Anarka: Liking the old pictures? That's Luka when he was a baby. Adorable isn't he?

Marinette: He is.

Anarka: He takes it after his father.

Marinette: I can tell.

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