Chapter 29: A new miraculous for you-know-who

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In Master Fu's house, Marinette walked in.

In Master Fu's house, Marinette walked in

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Marinette: Hello, Master.

Master Fu: Ahh, Marinette. Thank you for stopping by.

Marinette: Well you called, so...

Master Fu: Right. Now, I called you because I have this. *He revealed a new miraculous.*

Marinette: A miraculous? What kind is it? *Master Fu put on the Wolf paw print pendant and a Wolf kwami appeared

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Marinette: A miraculous? What kind is it? *Master Fu put on the Wolf paw print pendant and a Wolf kwami appeared.*

???: A-a-AWOOOOO! Hello

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???: A-a-AWOOOOO! Hello. My name is Fangg, the Wolf Kwami.

Master Fu: Hello, Fangg. I am Master Fu and this is Marinette.

Marinette: Hi, Fangg.

Fangg: Hi Marinette.

Master Fu: I believe I have something to tell you.

Fangg: Yes, Master?

Master Fu: I decried to assign you to someone who can be trustworthy of a miraculous.

Fangg: Cool. Who is it?

Marinette: Master?

Master Fu: I'll explain later. *He takes the pendant off and lends it to Marinette.* Marinette, I need you to find a miraculous holder, somebody who you think can trust with this task.

Marinette: Master, it's hard to find someone I can trust with this task. Sure I rely on my friends and my boyfriend. It's gonna be hard to find someone else, I can't trust any stranger.

Master Fu: I know trusting someone with a task like this can be difficult, but follow your instincts on who you think is trustworthy enough. You relied on Alya with the Fox miraculous, Nino with the Turtle miraculous, Chloé with the Bee miraculous, Kagami with the Dragon miraculous, Luka with the Snake miraculous and now with the Black Cat miraculous, Max with the Horse miraculous, Kim with the Monkey miraculous, Mylene with the Mouse miraculous, and Alix from the future with the Rabbit miraculous. I'm sure there is this one person you could rely on the most. *Marinette thinks about what she must do and it hit her.*

Marinette: (I know what he did was unforgettable and ridiculous. But... people deserve a second chance with stuff like this.) I know who I choose.

Master Fu: You have? Who?

Marinette: Adrien Agreste.

Master Fu: Are you sure? *Marinette nods her head yes.* Very well. Make sure he makes no mistakes like he did when Plagg renounce his owner.

Marinette: I'll make sure he'll take good care of Fangg. (I hope).

The one who lost hope (sequel): Evil strikes again part 1Where stories live. Discover now