Chapter 123: Heading back to Paris and stopping the villains

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In Paris, France, they looked up and see the sky all dark and gray and the United Heroez fighting off the villains.

Alpha Mime: Well look who's back.

Scarlet Truther: And ready to be destroyed.

Black Panther: Good thing we didn't stay away long.

Eagle: Majestia and Knight Owl! *Majestia turned around and she sees them.*

Majestia: They're back!

Snowflake: They are? *The United Heroez cheered for that.*

Astra: Ugh. So much for a hero-free day.

Mister Quills: I'm guessing that's the Akumatized villain.

Astra: You got that right. Now face the intergalactic wonders of space! *She points her spear at them and fires out her ninja stars, they evade the ninja stars and Firefly throws his light slicer at her, it struck her and she fell back and lost her spear too, he caught the light slicer.* What the? Who threw that at me?

Ladybug: Think we can take care of her right here. Lucky charm! *She throw her yo-yo up in the air, and a swarm of magical ladybugs appeared and made an umbrella appear.* An umbrella?

Mister Quills: It's not gonna rain

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Mister Quills: It's not gonna rain.

Ladybug: I know. *She looked around and she see the street lamp post and Astra.* Guess the forecast called for luck with a chance of catching the Akuma. *They run up.*

Scarlet Truther: Don't just stand there, get them! *The villains run up too and they fight them off. Ladybug flip Earthquake Queen over, leaps up, and double kick Plant Fiend, throws her yo-yo out and wraps around the Rat King, and punches him in the face.*

Ladybug: Is that the best you all can do? I think not. *She punches the Alpha Mime.* Ladybug power! *Her earrings glow red, she starts to grow wings, antennas grow on top of her head, and a new Ladybug super suit appeared too, she did a single loop and landed.*

Firefly: Wow. You can do that?

Blue Feather: Yep. After you use your powers, you can upgrade to a better look.

Firefly: Cool. I wanna try that.

White Fang: Save the small talk for later, we gotta help her. *They fight them off some more. Black Panther twirls his staff and swings it at Mucus Man, he throws his cat nip bomb and it exploded too, people start to cough from the explosion and start to feel funny too, he ducks down and sucker punches Garbage Man.*

Black Panther: Don't you guys ever quit? It makes no sense why we have to fight you every day.

Red Witch: You should talk, kitty cat. Or should I say ribbit? *She throw a bomb down, and he hit the bomb back and it exploded, she coughed and got turned into a Frog.* What the? Ribbit, ribbit. I hate that cat. Ribbit.

The one who lost hope (sequel): Evil strikes again part 1Where stories live. Discover now