Chapter 94: Heroes vs Giant Cyclops

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At the park, people are screaming and running away from the giant cyclops monster, he keeps swinging and smashing stuff with his mallet and stomping all over the place. Ladybug, Black Panther, White Fang, Eagle, Uncanny Valley, Mister Quills, and Blue Feather face him.

Black Panther: He's a tough one to fight.

Ladybug: We dealt with him last time, we can do it again. *The giant Cyclops road louder, they covered their ears and some flying cyclops came from the sky.*

Mister Quills: What the?

Black Panther: They fly now too? *The flying cyclops fire arrows, but they evade and exclaimed, Blue Feather uses her fan as a disk and throws it at them, it missed them and she caught it back.*

Blue Feather: Okay that didn't work.

Giant cyclops: Miraculous! Gimme now! *He reach for them and swing his mallet at them, they keep evading them, White Fang fell back, Eagle skidded back, and Uncanny Valley landed on her feet.*

Uncanny Valley: We're caught between them.

Alya: This isn't looking too good.

Ladybug: We gotta take care of those things first! But how?

Syndrome: Hahahahahaha! Having a little trouble with this one? Hopefully, they'll forfeit and I'll win. *Scarlet Truther rolled her eyes at that and look at the scene.*

Eagle: Too bad I can't fly up and take care of them both.

Black Panther: If only we can all fly up, but we can't. Blue Feather, can you fly?

Blue Feather: Wish I could. But these feathers are just for show.

Ladybug: I remember something. Master suggested we should call on our vehicles. One of us will have to fly up and deal with the flying cyclops.

White Fang: Really?

Uncanny Valley: Is that possible?

Ladybug: I think so.

Blue Feather: Ladybug, that could work. *Ladybug raise her yo-yo and a Ladybug flyer appeared, and Mister Quills whistled.*

Mister Quills: Snazzy

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Mister Quills: Snazzy.

Black Panther: Guess he does know this stuff more than us.

Eagle: You think this will work?

Ladybug: According to Master Fu, it will. Get in. *They get in the Ladybug flyer, Ladybug starts up and she takes the wheel and flies up.* Hold on tight. *She flies up to the sky and faces the flying Cyclops.*

Uncanny Valley: I can't believe we're flying.

Ladybug: Believe it, Uncanny.

Mister Quills: Good idea, sis.

The one who lost hope (sequel): Evil strikes again part 1Where stories live. Discover now