Chapter 77: Accident with Marinette

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Meanwhile, after a bit of fun and ice cream, Marinette, Timmy, Bridgette, and Marin walk back home.

Marin: This has been a good day.

Marinette: It's only a good day for you because you're back home.

Marin: True.

Timmy: I'm just glad we get to do fun stuff together.

Bridgette: Same. *They keep walking and suddenly, huge clouds of smoke came. * What is that? *They start to cough and gag, Marinette looked up and sees what's causing the smoke. *

Marin: What is that?

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Marin: What is that?

Bridgette: I think it's hairspray.

Marinette: (Hairspray? Dark Wing, I should've known.) *Soon, a villain approaches them. *

Beauty Queen: Feel the beauty of me: Beauty Queen

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Beauty Queen: Feel the beauty of me: Beauty Queen. You're all jealous of my look and beauty. Let's see how you all feel about being the UGLIEST people in the entire world! *She made a makeup blaster appear and she start blasting makeup they evade the blast, and Marinette tumbled, and she stand up, and scowled. *

Marinette: I gotta transform into Ladybug, but I gotta get my brothers and my cousin to safety. But how?

Beauty Queen: Gotcha! *She blasts again, Marinette dodge, hides in the alley and looks around and she sees trash can lids. *

Marinette: Follow me! *They go to the alley and grab trash can lids and use them for protection, then suddenly, Marinette slips and twists her ankle. * Ow!

Bridgette: What happened?

Marinette: Ugh. I must've slipped and twisted my ankle.

Marin: Can you stand up?

Marinette: Think so. *She gets up, but she struggled to stand, Bridgette, helps her up. * No, I can't.

Bridgette: We better go inside. *Marin opens the door, and they help Marinette inside. *

Sabine: What happened?

Marinette: I slipped and twisted my ankle.

Sabine: Where's the ankle hurt?

Marinette: My left. *She lifts it and Sabine touches it, Marinette moans in pain. * Ow!

Sabine: Why don't you guys go upstairs and help her get to bed?

Tom: I'll wrap up your ankle.

Marinette: Okay. *They help her get to her room and Tom gets the bandage wrapped and goes upstairs too. *

In her room, Marinette props her ankle on a pillow and Tom wraps up her ankle.

In her room, Marinette props her ankle on a pillow and Tom wraps up her ankle

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Tom: There you go. Just stay on bed rest and you'll be fine for a couple of days.

Marinette: Okay. *Tom goes downstairs, and Bridgette, Marin, and Timmy leave the bedroom. * (I gotta stop Beauty Queen, but I can't because of my twisted ankle. I need to do something.) *She gets out of bed and goes to her balcony, and Tikki goes to Marinette. *

Tikki: What are you doing? You should be resting your ankle.

Marinette: I gotta get out there and fight Beauty Queen. A twisted ankle or not, I'm going out there. Tikki, spots on! *She transforms into Ladybug; she limps a little bit. * Ugh. Fight through the pain, fight through the pain. You can do this. *She throws her yo-yo out and swing across and land on her feet. *

Ladybug: Ow! Gotta get help.

In Luka's room, he plays the guitar and Plagg sees a villain outside.

Plagg: Uh-oh. We got trouble, Luka.

Luka: How bad is it?

Plagg: I would say... pretty bad.

Luka: We gotta step up and help. Plagg, claws out! *He transforms into Black Panther, opens his window and extends his staff, and leaves the room. *

Black Panther: Wonder where Ladybug is at? (Hope nothing happened to you.) *He twirls his staff and uses it to fly up and leap over buildings. Soon, he sees her. * Hey. You, okay?

Ladybug: Y-yeah. I'm fine. *She stands up and she holds her ankle, Black Panther holds her. *

Black Panther: What happened?

Ladybug: Ugh. My ankle. I twisted it.

Black Panther: You'll still fight?

Ladybug: Think I can. Ugh.

Soon, Eagle, Uncanny Valley, and White Fang landed.

White Fang: What are we dealing with?

Ladybug: Her. *She pointed at Beauty Queen using her hair spray cannons and spray all over Paris and the makeup blaster. *

Eagle: She's making people look weird in makeup and hair care stuff.

Ladybug: We'll have to slow her down until I retrieve her Akuma. Wherever it is.

White Fang: Let's go. *They leap down, Ladybug gets up and struggled and throw her yo-yo out and swings away and landed with the others, she moaned in pain. *

Ladybug: (Stop whining. Suck it up!)

Uncanny Valley: Ladybug? What's wrong?

Ladybug: My ankle. I'll be fine. Let's go. *They run up to Beauty Queen. *

The one who lost hope (sequel): Evil strikes again part 1Where stories live. Discover now