Chapter 176: Heroes vs Madame Rouge part 1

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In the city, Madame Rouge leaps up and keeps blasting people with her blaster she leaps down and made a hot pink sonic blast appeared and put people in a hypnotic trance.

Madame Rouge: It worked. Now all of Paris will be in my control! I want you all to find Ladybug and the others and get their miraculouses too! And don't stop until you get them. *They all go all over the city and look for them, Madame Rouge starts to laugh evilly and she heads something.* Huh? *Soon, a cat boomerang hit her in the head.* Ow! What the? *The boomerang went back and Black Panther caught it.* Huh, you all showed up. I just sent out a search party.

White Fang: Luckily they didn't take too long to look for us. We'll take you down and walk away.

Madame Rouge: I wouldn't bet on that easily. *She swing her left hand to the right and swing it out and made a sonic wave appear as she grunted, they leap up and the wave hit a tree and it exploded too.*

Blue Feather: She might be a tough one to fight off.

Ladybug: She might be tough, but we can still beat her. Just try to get close to her as much as you can. *They agreed and they get their weapons out and charged at Madame Rouge.*

Madame Rouge: Ooh. A fight. I love a good fight. *White Fang and Blue Feather swing first, but missed her, instead she fired them with her blaster, Mister Quills draw his quill katana swords, Madame Rouge duck, hold his face and kick him in the face with her knee, then punch him back, Mister Quills grunted as he rolls away and stopped, he looked at his face and his nose is bleeding a little bit, Black Panther leap up and swing his staff at her, Madame Rouge ducked again, he was about to strike, but Madame Rouge fired him and he hit a parked car on his back and laid flat on the ground, Eagle twirl her rollboarer and throw it at Madame Rouge, but she caught it.* Time for a little spin. *She spins Eagle with the rollboarer, and pulls it back, Eagle spins fast and hit Black Panther, she got the rollboarer back. Viperia and Ladybug twirl their weapons and fight her off, Viperia got Madame Rouge's ankle, and she pulls her back, but Madame Rouge takes the ribbon from her.*

Viperia: Hey!

Madame Rouge: My turn to give it a whirl. *She flicked her ribbon down and got Viperia's ankles, she fell back and Madame Rouge threw the ribbon out, Ladybug run up and kick Madame Rouge in the face, Madame Rouge scowled and start blasting Ladybug, but Ladybug use her yo-yo to deflect the blast. She looked at the blaster and it was low.* Ugh! You got lucky. I'm out of ammo on my blaster. I better go take over somewhere else. *She flies off, they all get up and looked up too.*
Blue Feather: Where did she go? *Eagle flies up and her eyes glowed grey, she can see Madame Rouge, she's going to the Louvre, she flies down to the others.*

Eagle: She's heading to the Louvre.

White Fang: Guess we're taking the air there, huh?

Black Panther: I got something better. *He press his staff and made a Cat car appear.* We're taking my cat's car.

* We're taking my cat's car

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