Chapter 128: Heroes vs Cobra king part 2

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In the city, Black Panther, White Fang, Eagle, Viperia, Mister Quills, Blue Feather, Firefly, and Flora keep fighting and holding off the Cobra King, he deflects them off with his venom and they evade the venom.

Cobra King: You think you can beat me? You're not even powerful enough to finissssh me off. And you call yourself heroesssss. You're worthlesssss.

Blue Feather: Oh, please. You're all talk, but no bite!

Mister Quills: I haven't fought this long before, I'm still tired from the last battle. *He runs up and fights off Cobra King, but he holds the sword off.*

Cobra King: You just don't know when to quit, ssssspikey? Well, think again! *He threw him up and kick him too, Mister Quills went flying and he landed on Carapace.*

Carapace: Ow.

Mister Quills: Thanks for breaking my fall.

Carapace: No. Thank you for almost breaking my shell. *They both get up.*

Ladybug: You okay?

Mister Quills: Yeah. But be careful, The Cobra King is too powerful for us to stop him. And his venom is strong too.

Rena Rouge: The Cobra King?

Ladybug: Thanks for holding him off, we'll finish him. *The Cobra King made a cobra staff appear.*

Cobra King: Time to put an end to you all and take away your miraculoussssss too.

Eagle: Try to take them away from us, spit fang.

Cobra King: Gladly. *His staff glowed and he fight them off and they evade and fight them off.*

Black Panther: Where is help when you need them?

Ladybug: Right here! *They turned around and see Ladybug, Rena Rouge, and Carapace.*

Eagle: Glad you showed up. We need to beat him, but his venom is much stronger than ever.

Cobra King: Fire in the hole! *He fired more venom and Carapace hold his shield up and deflect the venom blast.* What the?

Rena Rouge: That's the Cobra King?

Mister Quills: Yep. *Cobra King hissed in anger and hold his staff to his chest.*

Cobra King: Alright. You wanna fight? Let'ssssss fight! *They fight him off, Ladybug threw her yo-yo out, but Cobra King grabs the yo-yo and pulls Ladybug up, and throws her down, Black Panther swings his staff at him, but the Cobra King blocks Black Panther's staff, he pushes him back and trips him with his cobra staff, Black Panther fell back, but he kicks back up and throws his boomerang at him, it hit him, he grabbed the staff, Cobra King hissed and he spews venom out, they evade some more, Eagle fly up and swop down and try to take the staff away from him.* Hey! Let go of my sssssstaff, you feather brain! *He swing his staff and struck Eagle in the face, she rolled over.*

Viperia: Eagle!

Eagle: I'm okay. *She gets up, Viperia twirls her snake ribbon and throws it at Cobra King's wrist.*

Cobra King: What the? Let go of me!

Viperia: No. Give up now!

Cobra King: Why don't you make me? *He raises his arm and whips the ribbon free from his wrist, Viperia exclaimed and hit a parked car, she moaned a little bit.*

Blue Feather: Time to give it a whirl. Fan out! *Her hairpin glowed teal and she open her fan and start moving her fan and turn too and made blue sonic blasts start to move, Cobra King deflect the blasts and charged at her, but Carapace throw his shell and hit King Cobra in the face. He fell back.* Peacock power! *Her hair clip glowed teal again and real tail feathers appeared behind her, a new Peacock super suit appeared on her body, and she turned once and bend her right knee back and blow a kiss too. Flora draws her deer blade and fights him off, but King Cobra blasts her with the staff and she hit a tree, spits out a leaf, and Firefly gets his light slicer out.*

The one who lost hope (sequel): Evil strikes again part 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang