Chapter 170: Heroes vs Godfather part 1

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At the houseboat, they looked inside and it was a wreck.

Viperia: Whoa. What happened here?

Eagle: Looks like someone got a little tantrum.

Ladybug: Look around, he's gotta be in here somewhere. *They looked around, Black Panther hold a cracked picture frame of his family, he looked sad.*

Ladybug: Are you sure you're okay?

Black Panther: Yeah. I'm okay.

Godfather: So you're all here. *They looked up and see Godfather.* You're all gonna be my statues after I take your miraculous. *He fired his ring at them, but they evade the blast, the blast hit a wall, and Godfather fired again, and White Fang made a  full moon shield and blocked off the blast.*

White Fang: Who is he as an Akuma?

Ladybug: Wish I knew.

Godfather: Where is my son? I want my son now!

Ladybug: Son? What son?

Godfather: Don't play dumb. Where did you hide him? I will not rest until I get what's mine! *He fires his ring again, they all evade the blasts, and head outside and away from the houseboat.* You won't be able to escape from me! *He flies out and goes after them, and he starts blasting them, Ladybug twirls her yo-yo and blocks off the blast, White Fang uses his shield and blocks it too, and Black Panther throws her staff at him.*

Ladybug: Wait! *Godfather caught the staff and he turned it red and twirl it too, they all gasped.*

Godfather: Nice weapon if I do say so myself. *He flies towards them and twirls his staff, Mister Quills run up and draw his quill katana and fights him off, he tripped Godfather and flips backward and puts the katana back behind his back, he runs off with the others, Godfather scowled and grunts.*

In the alley, they all hide away from him.

Ladybug: The Akuma's gotta be in that ring.

White Fang: How are we gonna get it?

Viperia: He'll turn us into statues. *Ladybug gets her yo-yo out.*

Ladybug: Lucky charm! *She throw her yo-yo up, and a swarm of magical ladybugs appeared and made headphones appear.* Headphones?

Blue Feather: Think he'll listen to music? That might calm him down

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Blue Feather: Think he'll listen to music? That might calm him down.

Ladybug: In this case, no. But I do know what to do. I'll be right back. *She throws her yo-yo out and swings away.*

Eagle: Who is Godfather?

Mister Quills: I don't know, but this has to be something we haven't seen before. *Black Panther looked up at Godfather and he look sad.*

White Fang: Hey. Are you okay?

Black Panther: Guess I can tell you, guys. Godfather is... my dad. *They gasped.*

Mister Quills: You have a dad?

Black Panther: It's complicated. I'll explain later, right now we have to stop him. *They leave the alley and fight off Godfather.*

Godfather: Coming back for more, eh? Good. I love a good battle. *He gets the staff and fights them all off.*

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