Chapter 153: Heroes vs Giant Kraken part 1

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In the city, Ladybug, Black Panther, White Fang, Eagle, Viepria, Mister Quills, and Blue Feather scowled and faces Syndrome and Giant Kraken.

Syndrome: Well, well, well. What do we have here? 7 little heroes who are here to save the day like always. HA! That's rich.

Ladybug: Get your pet fish and get out of here, or nobody gets hurt.

Syndrome: Ooh. The big scary bug is gonna hurt me. Well, let's see if you can stop my cannon blaster.

Mister Quills: Well I outta take the cannon and shove it up your... *Blue Feather covered his mouth.*

Syndrome: Take this! *He fired once, they evade the blast until it exploded and they run up and take down the Kraken, but instead, he keep swinging his arms and sticking them with his suction cups under his tentacles and letting them go.*

Eagle: Ugh. He smells like salt water and garbage. *Giant Kraken roared, Mister Quills run up and draw his katana sword and cut off 2 tentacles, the Giant Kraken roared in pain, and Syndrome scowled at him.*

Syndrome: You're gonna regret it, spiky. *He fires his cannon blaster, and Mister Quills flips away and stopped, Black Panther and White Fang run up, draw their weapons, and fight off Syndrome and Giant Kraken, Syndrome grabbed White Fang's ankle, spins him around, and throws him up until he hit a tree, Black Panther run up to the Kraken, but Syndrome faced him, he throws down a cat nip bomb and it exploded, Syndrome coughed and rubbed his eyes, Black Panther leaps up and gets his staff ready, but Giant Kraken swing him with his tentacle and hit him too, Ladybug caught him, Viperia gets close to him and uses her hypnosis power, but Syndrome blast her, she hit the dumpster and rub her head.*

Viperia: Ugh. This hurts. *Eagle and Blue Feather charged at them, Eagle fly up towards Giant Kraken, he tried to get her, but she swoop and fly all over the place like a fly, he scowled and go after her, but he missed her and ended up grabbing a truck, a tree, and a mailbox, he roared and start throwing them, Eagle landed and gasped, Mister Quills stepped in and start cutting them up.*

Mister Quills: You alright?

Eagle: Better now that you're here. *Blue Feather flips away from Syndrome's blasts, she lands on top of a tree and leaps down. She open her fan and turn it into a frisbee, she throw it at him, and he ducked but the frisbee came back and hit him in the back of the head.*

Syndrome: Ow! *She caught it, she close it and open it again and fan herself.* Okay. I think we had enough of a fair fight. *He gets his cannon blaster ready and starts firing at them, they deflect the blasts, but one hit Mister Quills.*

Mister Quills: Man he's good.

White Fang: Not for long he won't be. *He run-up, leaps, point his spear, and fires moon rocks at him, Syndrome blasts them into pieces until they're tiny pebbles.*

Syndrome: You're gonna have to do better than that, you must. Grrrrrr-aaaaah! *He kick him in the face, White Fang fell back and felt his nose, it was bleeding.* Doggone tired already?

White Fang: I may be down, but I'm not out.

Syndrome: That can be arranged. Sick 'em, boy! *He flies up and watches the battle, Giant Kraken fires ink at them, but they evade the ink blast as it sinks through the road.*

Ladybug: Don't let the ink touch you, it's like acid

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Ladybug: Don't let the ink touch you, it's like acid.

Mister Quills: Noted. *They charge and fight him off again, but he swatted them and they hit a wall.*

Viperia: He's too powerful. What do we do?

Ladybug: Think I have one more solution. Lucky charm! *She throw her yo-yo up in the air, and a swarm of magical ladybugs appeared and made a diary appear.* A diary?

Eagle: Uhhh

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Eagle: Uhhh. What are you gonna do with that?  *Ladybug look around and see what she can use the diary for and nothing came to her mind.*

Ladybug: Not sure what to do with it. But I have an idea. Keep Mr. squiggly arms busy, I'll be right back. *She throws her yo-yo out and swings away, they get up and look at the Giant Kraken.*

Blue Feather: Let's make him fish food. *They run up and attack him some more.*

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